Bullet Terms of Reference
  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to welfare (including women welfare) and rehabilitation services, poverty, social enterprise and Family Council.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on the above policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in respect of the above policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To monitor and examine, to the extent it considers necessary, the above policy matters referred to it by a member of the Panel or by the House Committee.

  5. To make reports to the Council or to the House Committee as required by the Rules of Procedure.





BulletSubcommittee on Poverty Alleviation
BulletSubcommittee on Residential and Community Care Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly
BulletSubcommittee on Retirement Protection
BulletSubcommittee on Improving Barrier Free Access and Facilities for Persons with Disabilities

BulletContact us: panel_ws@legco.gov.hk

Panel on Welfare Services