Panel on Housing
Visit to Kwai Shing West Estate and Kwai Shing East Estate

The Legislative Council ("LegCo") Panel on Housing conducted a site visit to Kwai Shing West Estate and Kwai Shing East Estate on 10 April 2015 to receive a briefing on the Lift Addition Programme and observe the installation of lifts in these estates.

Members participating in the visit included Hon Alice MAK Mei-kuen, Chairman of the Panel and Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung, Panel member, as well as Hon CHAN Yuen-han who is a non-Panel member.

Visit Programme

  • Submission from Ms Amelia LAU Mei-lo, member of the Kwai Tsing District Council (Chinese version only) [LC Paper No. CB(1)736/14-15(01)]
  • Submission from Mr Rayman CHOW Wai-hung, member of the Kwai Tsing District Council (Chinese version only) [LC Paper No. CB(1)736/14-15(02)]
  • Submission from Ms Nancy POON Siu-ping, member of the Kwai Tsing District Council (Chinese version only) (only the cover page and the first out of the 65 pages of signatures attached to the submission) [LC Paper No. CB(1)736/14-15(03)]
  • Administration's response to the submissions from the above three members of the Kwai Tsing District Council [LC Paper No. CB(1)785/14-15(01)]
Photos and Videos
Press Release