Bills Committee on
Dangerous Goods (Amendment) Bill 2000

Third meeting on
Thursday, 18 January 2001, at 4:30 pm
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Confirmation of minutes of meeting

  2. (4:30 am - 4:35 am)

    LC Paper No. CB(1)258/00-01

    - Minutes of meeting held on 16 November 2000
  3. Meeting with the Administration

  4. (4:35 pm - 6:30 pm)

    Relevant papers

    1. the Bill circulated under LC Paper No. CB(3)81/00-01 on 20 October 2000 (issued)

    2. the Legislative Council Brief issued by the Security Bureau on 18 October 2000 (Ref:SBCR1/1336/86 pt31) (issued)

    3. the Legal Service Division Report under LC Paper No. LS14/00-01 dated 1 November 2000 (issued)

    4. a marked-up copy of the Bill at Appendix III to LC Paper No. CB(1)162/00-01 (issued)

    5. extract of minutes of meeting of the Security Panel on 16 October 1999 at Appendix IV to LC Paper No. CB(1)162/00-01 (issued)

    6. Submission from Saving International (Holdings) Ltd dated 27 November 2000 LC Paper No. CB(1)249/00-01 (issued)

    7. Comparison of Staff Training Requirements for Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Dangerous Goods Vehicles provided by the Administration at LC Paper No. CB(1)259/00-01(01) (issued)

    8. Comparison of Licensing Requirements for Vehicles Conveying Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Dangerous Goods provided by the Administration at LC Paper No. CB(1)259/00-01(02) (issued)

    9. Further submission from Saving International (Holdings) Ltd dated 14 December 2000 at LC Paper No. CB(1)378/00-01 (issued under confidential cover)

    10. Administration's reply to the submission from Saving International (Holdings) Ltd dated 27 November 2000 at LC Paper No. CB(1)411/00-01(01) (attached)

    11. Administration's response to the concerns raised by the Bills Committee at its meeting on 6 December 2000 at LC Paper No. CB(1)411/00-01(02) (attached)

  5. Any other business

  6. (6:30 pm onwards)

Legislative Council Secretariat
8 January 2001