Bills Committee on
Education (Amendment) Bill 2000

Meeting on
Monday, 5 March 2001 at 4:30 pm
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Matters arising from the last meeting
  2. [File Ref : EMBCR 2/3231/90 Pt. 9 - Legislative Council Brief issued by the Education and Manpower Bureau (issued on 14 February 2001)]
    [Paper No. CB(2)985/00-01(01) - Administration's response to concerns raised by the Bills Committee on 15 February 2001 (English version attached)]

  3. Clause-by-clause examination
  4. [Paper No. CB(2)870/00-01(02) - Marked-up copy of relevant provisions to be amended by the Bill (issued on 14 February 2001)]

  5. Legislative timetable
  6. Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
2 March 2001