Bills Committee on Chief Executive Election Bill

The 11th meeting on Tuesday, 5 June 2001
from 8:30 am to 12:45 pm in Conference Room A
of the Legislative Council Building


I. Matters arising

LC Paper No.CB(2)1712/00-01(01)- The Administration's response to the views expressed by deputations

II.Members' proposed amendments to the Bill

LC Paper No. CB(2)1712/00-01(02)- A summary of members' major views and the Administration's responses on major issues discussed by the Bills Committee prepared by LegCo Secretariat

LC Paper No. CB(2)1712/00-01(03) - The Democratic Party's proposed amendments to the Bill

III. Clause by clause examination of the Bill

The Bill

LC Paper No. CB(2)1711/00-01(01) - Marked-up copy of Part 8 (Consequential Amendments) of the Bill

LC Paper No. CB(2)1712/00-01(04)- The Administration's response to ALA's letter dated 29 March 2001 issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1327/00-01(01)

VI. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held from 8:30 am to 10:30 am on 12 June 2001.

Legislative Council Secretariat
4 June 2001


Papers issued for Bills Committee on Chief Executive Election Bill
(as at 4 June 2001)

Major areas Paper No.

I. General

(1)LegCo BriefCAB C5/1

(2)LSD ReportLS71/00-01

(3)Speech by SCA to move Second Reading of the BillCB(2)1174/00-01(02)

(4)Paper on "Provisions of the Bill not prescribed under the Basic Law" prepared by ALALS83/00-01 (issued videCB(2)1217/00-01)

(5)Comparison of the Basic Law and the Bill CB(2)1318/00-01(01)

(6)Comparison of the Bill and LegCo Ordinance CB(2)1217/00-01(04)

(7)ALA's letters dated 29 March and 24 April 2001 to Administration seeking comments on issues relating to the Bill CB(2)1327/00-01(01) and CB(2)1388/00-01(01)

(8)Written submissions on the Bill CB(2)1419/00-01(01) - (35)
CB(2)1442/00-01(01) - (26)
CB(2)1445/00-01(01) - (02)
CB(2)1451/00-01(01) - (04)
CB(2)1453/00-01(01) - (03)
CB(2)1489/00-01(01) - (06)
CB(2)1506/00-01(01) - (02)

(9)Summary of written submissions on the Bill CB(2)1690/00-01(01)

(10)Nature of the Bill Item 2 of CB(2)1647/00-01(01)

(11)Timetable for 2002 CE Election CB(2)1677/00-01(01)

(12)Marked up copy of Part 8 of the Bill CB(2)1711/00-01(01)

II. Election Committee (EC)

(1)Overlapping membership Item 1 of CB(2)1352/00-01(01)Item 6 of CB(2)1405/00-01(01)

(2)Information on the EC formed in July 2000 Item 2 of CB(2)1352/00-01(01)

(3)Eligibility criteria for candidature at subsector election - clause 17(3) of schedule Item 3 of CB(2)1352/00-01(01)

(4)Legality of clause 8(3) Item 4 of CB(2)1352/00-01(01)

III. Polling date

(1)Pros and cons of various options for determining the polling date Item 5 of CB(2)1352/00-01(01)Item 1 of CB(2)1405/00-01(01)

(2)Polling date - Thursday or Sunday CB(2)1433/00-01(01)

(3)Easter holidays for the next five CE elections Item 1 of CB(2)1518/00-01(01)

IV. Appointment of CE

(1)Six-month period referred to in BL53 Item 2 of CB(2)1405/00-01(01)

(2)Time schedule and procedure for appointment Items 3 - 5 of CB(2)1405/00-01(01)

(3) Time taken to appoint the first CE Item 2 of CB(2)1518/00-01(01)

(4)Legal basis for CPG to revoke appointment Item 4 of CB(2)1518/00-01(01)

(5)Proposed amendment to clause 4(c) Items 1 - 3 of CB(2)1587/00-01(01)

(6) Power of removal - legal source, constraints etc. Item 1 of CB(2)1647/00-01(01)

(7)Redress in courts in respect of a decision of removal Item 3 of CB(2)1647/00-01(01)

(8)Paper on "Power of the Central People's Government under the Basic Law to revoke the appointment of the Chief Executive" prepared by Legal Service Division

LS102/00-01 (issued videCB(2)1677/00-01)

V. Eligibility criteria for being a candidate for CE Election

(1)Requirement for judicial officers in foreign countries to resign before running in elections Item 1 of CB(2)1352/00-01(02)

(2)Eligibility of senior judicial officers Item 3 of CB(2)1518/00-01(01)

(3)Eligibility of holders of Taiwan Entry Permits and other temporary entry permits Items 1- 2 of CB(2)1613/00-01(01)

(4)Disqualification of CE after assuming office Item 3 of CB(2)1613/00-01(01)

(5)Eligibility of BNO passport holders Item 4 of CB(2)1613/00-01(01)

(6)Document of Preparatory Committee on the selection of the first term CE and UK and Chinese Memoranda on status of BDTC passport holders CB(2)1618/00-01(01) and (02)

(7)Extract from "Constitutional and Administrative Law in Hong Kong" by Professor Peter Wesley-Smith CB(2)1647/00-01(02)

VI. Nomination

VII. Withdrawal of candidature

VIII. Voting method

IX. Election petitions and judicial review

(1)Differences between the leapfrog procedure proposed in the Bill vis-a-vis that proposed in the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (A) Bill to be introduced Item 2 of CB(2)1352/00-01(02)

X. Election expenses limit

(1) Administration's response Item 5 of CB(2)1235/00-01(01)

XI. Application of anti-bribery legislation to CE election

(1)Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (ECICO) CB(2)1217/00-01(03)

XII. Regulation of election-related activities

(1)Electoral guidelines for CE election Item 1 of CB(2)1235/00-01(01)

(2)Regulating electioneering activities of an incumbent CE Item 3 of CB(2)1235/00-01(01)

(3) Restriction on election campaigning undertaken by members of a political party to a fellow member being a candidate Item 4 of CB(2)1235/00-01(01)

XIII. Guidelines on participation of senior government officials in electioneering activities of CE election

(1) Administration's response Item 2 of CB(2)1235/00-01(01)