Item No.Subject
1.EC(2000-01)30 *Proposed retention of two supernumerary multi-disciplinary posts of Chief Architect (D1) for a period of two years to cope with the increasing workload arising from the implementation of the quality housing initiatives and the enhanced project management work in the Housing Department

(In attendance : The Business Director (Development), Housing Department/the Director Corporate Services, Housing Department/the Project Manager, Housing Department)

2.EC(2000-01)31Proposed non-civil service appointment of an Electricity Advisor at the equivalent rank of D2/D3 in the Economic Services Bureau of Government Secretariat for a period of three years and creation of one permanent post of Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (D1) in the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, both with effect from 1 April 2001, to work out the post-2008 regulatory regime for the electricity supply sector

(In attendance : The Deputy Secretary for Economic Services/the Principal Assistant Secretary for Economic Services/the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services)

3.EC(2000-01)32Proposed creation of three permanent posts of one Administrative Officer Staff Grade B1 (D4) and two Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) offset by deletion of one permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade B (D3) in the Administration Wing of the Offices of the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Financial Secretary of the Government Secretariat with effect from 1 April 2001 for the establishment of a dedicated unit to facilitate the integration of sustainable development by both the Government and the community

(In attendance : The Director of Administration/the Deputy Director of Administration/the Deputy Secretary for the Environment and Food/the Assistant Director of Planning)

4.EC(2000-01)33Proposed retention of two supernumerary posts of one Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police (PPS 57) and one Senior Principal Executive Officer (D2) in the Security Bureau of Government Secretariat for a period of three years with effect from 1 April 2001 to enable the continued secondment of suitable officers to the Aviation Security Company Limited

(In attendance : The Deputy Secretary for Security/the Assistant Secretary for Security)

5.EC(2000-01)34Proposed retention of one supernumerary post of Senior Principal Executive Officer (D2) in the Education and Manpower Bureau of Government Secretariat up to 31 October 2003 to enable the continued secondment of a suitable officer to the Vocational Training Council

(In attendance : The Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower/the Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower)

6.EC(2000-01)35Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Senior Principal Executive Officer (D2) in the Innovation and Technology Commission of Government Secretariat for a period of two years with effect from 9 March 2001 to enable the secondment of a civil servant to the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited

(In attendance : The Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology/the Assistant Commissioner for Innovation and Technology)

7.EC(2000-01)36Proposed creation of one permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) in the Home Affairs Department to head a new Division IV to cope with the increasing workload in building management issue

(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretary for Home Affairs/the Deputy Director of Home Affairs/the Assistant Director of Home Affairs)

* Resubmission item
