Subcommittee on Solicitors (Professional Indemnity) (Amendment) Rules 2001

Meeting on Monday, 22 October 2001 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


I.Matters arising

LC Paper No. CB(2)111/01-02(01)-a letter from Mr Patrick MOSS together with a draft letter to be signed by the President of the Law Society (attached)

LC Paper No. CB(2)111/01-02(02)-the Chairman's proposed amendment to the second last paragraph of the draft letter (attached)

LC Paper No. CB(2)111/01-02(03)-Law Society's response to the Chairman's proposed amendment (attached)

II.Any other business

Other papers previously issued

(a)LC Paper No. CB(2)15/01-02(02)-Papers previously issued to the Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services

(b)LC Paper No. CB(2)20/01-02(01)-The weekly letter dated 5 October 2001 from the President of the Law Society Hong Kong to members of the Society

(c)LC Paper No. CB(2)23/01-02(01)-Results of the survey conducted by Hon Margaret NG

(d)LC Paper No. CB(2)23/01-02(02)-Paper on Qualified Insurer Scheme in England and Wales presented by Mr Richard WILMOT to the Panel

(e)LC Paper No. CB(2)69/01-02(01)-Draft minutes of meeting on 10 October 2001

(f)LC Paper No. CB(2)69/01-02(02)-The Law Society's response to issues raised at the meeting on 10 October 2001

(g)LC Paper No. CB(2)69/01-02(03)-Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 10 October 2001

(h)LC Paper No. LS9/01-02-Paper from the Legal Service Division

(i)LC Paper No. CB(2)95/01-02(01)-The corrected version of the results of the survey on the impact of the Solicitors (Professional Indemnity) (Amendment) Rules 2001 on solicitors firms in Hong Kong conducted by Hon Margaret NG

(j)LC Paper No. CB(2)95/01-02(02)-A paper prepared by Mr Paul WORDLEY on professional indemnity insurance scheme

Legislative Council Secretariat
19 October 2001