LegCo Panel on Home Affairs

Subcommittee to study
discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation

Meeting on
Tuesday, 6 March 2001 at 4:30 pm
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


I.Confirmation of minutes
(4:30 pm - 4:35 pm)

[LC Paper No. CB(2)790/00-01--minutes of meeting on 10 January 2001]

II.Meeting with the Administration
(from 4:35 pm onwards)

[Paper No. CB(2)981/00-01(01)--paper provided by the Administration]

[Paper No. CB(2)981/00-01(02)--submission from Rainbow Action on 5 March 2001]

[Appendix to LC Paper No.

--list of submissions received for discussion of discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation at the Panel's meeting on 12 December 2000]

[Paper No. CB(2)1002/00-01(01)--submission from Horizons on 5 March 2001]

III.Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
6 March 2001