Subcommittee on Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Amendment) Regulation 2001, Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Animal Traders) (Amendment) Regulation 2001 and Food Business (Amendment) Regulation 2001

bulletLegislative Council Brief

bulletPublic Health (Animals and Birds) (Amendment) Regulation 2001
bulletPublic Health (Animals and Birds) (Animal Traders) (Amendment) Regulation 2001
bulletFood Business (Amendment) Regulation 2001

bulletContent of the subsidiary legislation

bulletPublic Health (Animals and Birds) (Amendment) Regulation 2001
bulletPublic Health (Animals and Birds) (Animal Traders) (Amendment) Regulation 2001
bulletFood Business (Amendment) Regulation 2001

bulletLegal Service Division Report

bulletLS 15/01-02

bulletConsidered by the House Committee at the following meetings

bullet30 November 2001
bullet 23 November 2001
bullet2 November 2001




7 November 2001 Agenda Minutes
13 November 2001 Agenda Minutes
21 November 2001 Agenda Minutes
23 November 2001 Agenda Minutes

