LegCo Panel on Education

meeting on
Monday, 17 June 2002 at 4:30 pm
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

Tentative Agenda

I. Confirmation of minutes
(4:30 pm - 4:35 pm)

II. Endorsement of draft report of the Panel on Education to the Legislative Council
(4:35 pm - 4:40 pm)

III. Information paper(s) issued since the last meeting

* IV. Pay structure of part-time staff of adult education courses operated by the Education Department
(4:40 pm - 5:40 pm)

V. Any other business
(from 5:40 pm onwards)

* All other Hon LegCo Members are invited for the discussion of this item.

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
21 May 2002