LegCo Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene

Special meeting on
Friday, 1 February 2002 at 8:30 am to 10:30 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


I.Issues relating to the cancellation by the Mainland of the export quota for chilled meat supplied to Hong Kong

(a)Meeting with deputations
(8:30 am - 9:30 am)
  1. The New Territories Chicken Breeders Association Limited
    [LC Paper No. CB(2) 1036/01-02(01) - attached]

  2. Hong Kong Livestock Industry Association
    [LC Paper No. CB(2) 1036/01-02(02) - attached]

  3. Hong Kong and Kowloon Poultry Dealers and Workers Association
    [LC Paper No. CB(2) 1026/01-02(02) - issued]

  4. Hong Kong New Territories Poultry-Culture (Geese & Ducks) Mutual Aid Association
    [LC Paper No. CB(2) 1026/01-02(03) - attached (a replacement of the previous submission)]

  5. Hong Kong Grazers Union

  6. Kowloon Poultry Transporter and Poulterer Association

  7. Western Slaughterhouse (Ducks and Geese)

  8. Kowloon Fresh Meat Retailer's Association Limited
    [LC Paper No. CB(2) 924/01-02(01) - issued]

  9. Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Associations

  10. Cheung Sha Wan Poultry United Wholesalers Association Limited

  11. Kowloon Poultry Laan Merchants Association

  12. Hong Kong Poultry Wholesalers and Retailers Association

  13. Hong Kong Poultry Wholesalers Association

  14. Advisory Committee on Agricultural and Fisheries, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

  15. Hong Kong Retail Management Association
    [LC Paper No. CB(2) 1036/01-02(03) - attached]

  16. The Federation of Pig Raising Co-operative Societies of Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories, Hong Kong
Other submissions received

Ng Fung Hong Limited
[LC Paper No. CB(2) 1026/01-02(01) - issued]

Hong Kong Pigfarm Association
[LC Paper No. CB(2) 1036/01-02(04) - attached]

(b)Meeting with the Administration
(9:30 am - 10:25 am)

[LC Paper No. CB(2) 1020/01-02(01) - Discussion paper provided by the Administration (issued)]

II.Any other business
(10:25 am - 10:30 am)

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
31 January 2002