項目符號 Year 2001 - 2002
項目符號 Year 2000 - 2001

bullet Papers

Force-related issues

Year 2001 - 2002

Year 2000 - 2001

  • A note on the latest position of the cases referred to in the Administration's paper for the meeting of Panel on Security held on 22 May 2001 (English version only)[ CB(2) 2005/00-01 (01)] (29 June 2001)

  • Administration's paper on "Police Handling of Protests held in conjunction with the Fortune Global Forum" [CB(2)1593/00-01 (01)] (29 June 2001 and 22 May 2001)

  • Submission from Community Building, Culture, Leisure and Tourism Committee, Southern District Council (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (16)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Concern Group in Protest at the Abuse of Violence by the Police (Chinese version only) [ CB(2) 2005/00-01 (02)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Federation of Hong Kong Guangdong Community Organizations (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (12)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Federation of New Territories Youth (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1931/00-01 (02)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Fukien Chamber of Commerce (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (09)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 2005/00-01 (07)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Hong Kong Chinese Reform Association (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (22)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Hong Kong Federation of Fujian Associations (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (10)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Hong Kong Federation of Students (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 2005/00-01 (03)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Hong Kong Federation of Women (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1974/00-01 (02)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Hong Kong Human Rights Commission (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 2005/00-01 (08)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Hong Kong Political, Economical and Cultural Society (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (02)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (14)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Hong Kong travel Agents Owners Association (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (18)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Lingnan University Students' Union (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 2005/00-01 (05)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Miss Gloria CHANG Wan-ki (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (04)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Miss LAI Siu-chun (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1931/00-01 (01)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Mr CHENG Ki-kin (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (03)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Mr CHOW Hing (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (07)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Mr Joseph Y S CHAN (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (15)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Mr LEUNG Hin-wah (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (08)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from New Territories Association of Societies (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (01)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from New Territories Commercial & Industrial General Association Ltd. (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 2016/00-01 (01)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Social Democratic Forum (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1931/00-01 (03)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Tai Po Youths Association (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (20)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (06)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from The Chinese University of Hong Kong Student Union (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (11)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from The Hong Kong Inbound Travel Association (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (19)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from The Hong Kong Island Federation (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (13)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students' Union (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 2005/00-01 (04)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from The Hong Kong Wan Chai District Association (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (21)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from The King Chung Association (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (23)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from The University of Hong Kong Students' Union (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 2005/00-01 (06)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Tsing Yi Residents Association (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (05)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Tsuen Wan Kwai Tsing Residents Association (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (24)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Tsuen Wan Youth Association (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1974/00-01 (01)] (29 June 2001)

  • Submission from Youth Power of Kwai Tsing (Chinese version only)[CB(2) 1893/00-01 (17)] (29 June 2001)

  • Administration's paper on "Replacement Command and Control Communications System for the Operations Department of The Hong Kong Police Force(HKPF)" [CB(2) 1689/00-01 (03)] (7 June 2001)

  • Administration's paper on "Public Meetings and Processions held between 7 and 10 May 2001 (including both notifiable and not notifiable events)" [CB(2)1904/00-01 (01)] (22 May 2001)

  • Administration's paper on crime statistics [CB(2) 739/00-01 (01)] (18 January 2001)

  • Administration's paper regarding further information in respect of drug seizures, cases where victims lost control due to the effect of drugs, and the number of occasions on which prosecutions were instituted under the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance [CB(2) 974/00-01 (01)] (18 January 2001)