Panel on Public Service

Meeting on
Monday, 18 November 2002 at 10:45 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


I. Confirmation of minutes of meeting
(10:45 am - 10:47 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1)261/02-03
(issued vide LC Paper No.
CB(1)279/02-03 on 13 November 2002)

-Minutes of meeting on 23 October 2002

II. Information papers issued since last meeting
(10:47 am - 10:50 am)

LC Paper Nos. CB(1)141/02-03(01)and (02)(issued on 24 October 2002)

-Letter dated 24 October 2002 from the Secretary for the Civil Service with the findings of the survey on the performance of the civil service

III.Proposed discussion items for the Panel meetings to be held from December 2002 to June 2003
(10:50 am - 10:55 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1)260/02-03(01)

-List of outstanding items for discussion

IV. Disciplinary mechanism in the civil service
(10:55 am - 12:00 noon)

LC Paper No. CB(1)260/02-03(02)

-Paper provided by the Administration

# V. Review of Duty Mileage Allowance
(12:00 noon - 12:45 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1)260/02-03(03)

-Paper provided by the Administration

VI. Any other business
(12:45 pm onwards)

# All non-Panel Members are invited to join the discussion of Agenda Item V.

Legislative Council Secretariat
13 November 2002