The Hong Kong Broadcasting Scene - 5 Broadcasting Revenues

picture 5.1  Advertising Revenue 5.2  Subscription Revenue picture
14 Hong Kong as a Stepping Stone into the Mainland Market13 Other Licensable Television Programme Services12 Hong Kong as a Regional Broadcasting Hub11 Compliance with Regulatory Requirements10 Advertising Modes9 Programmes for Minority Ethnic Groups in Hong Kong8 Programme Genres7 Programme Sources6 Investment in TV Industry5 Broadcasting revenues4 Penetration of Different Broadcasting Services3 Transmission Modes2 The Broadcasting Landscape1 History

5.2 Subscription Revenue

According to published figures, the growth in HKCTV's turnover (including mainly subscription revenue and also some advertising revenue) has been steady in the past 5 years, from HK$1.5 billion in 2000 to HK$1.9 billion in 2004 (Figure 15).

Figure 15 : Turnover of Pay TV Business of i-Cable Communications Limited


The subscription revenues of PCCW Media and Galaxy are not publicly available.

The period under review saw vigorous competition in the domestic pay television market. The licensees all offered promotional package at reduced subscription fees as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16 :   Packages Offered by the Domestic Pay Television Programme Service licensees

Licensees Basic Package Promotional Package
Standard Monthly Fee:

Choice Entertainment Offer of 22 infotainment channels ($129 / 12-month contract)

Standard Monthly Fee:

Bundled service: Basic package of more than 40 channels + 10Mbps broadband service provided by HGC ($248 / 18-month contract)


Basic package at $168 per month with 6-month free service (average $112 / 18-month contract)

PCCW Media
tariff from $10-
$62 per channel
per month

Get one free channel for each subscribed channel


30 channels ($138 / 12-month contract)
