Item No.Subject
1.EC(2011-12)2Proposed creation of two permanent posts of one Assistant Director of Health (D2) and one Chief Pharmacist (D1) in the Department of Health to provide dedicated directorate support for the establishment of the Office on Drugs to strengthen its organisation and capacity in the regulation of drugs to ensure drug safety, quality and efficacy
(In attendance: Under Secretary for Food and Health/Principal Assistant Secretary for Food and Health (Health)/Deputy Director of Health)

2.EC(2011-12)4Proposed retention of a non-civil service position of Secretary-General of the Film Development Council at the equivalent rank of D2 in the Communications and Technology Branch of Government Secretariat: Commerce and Economic Development Bureau for a period of two years from November 2011 to support the work of the Hong Kong Film Development Council to oversee the administration of the film-related funding schemes and promotion of the local film industry
(In attendance: Deputy Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology)/Head of Create Hong Kong, Commerce and Economic Development Bureau/Secretary-General, Film Development Council)

3. EC(2011-12)5Proposed creation of one supernumerary bi-disciplinary post of Government Building Surveyor/Government Structural Engineer (D2) in the Buildings Department from 1 July 2011 up to 31 March 2014 to head the new Mandatory Building Inspection Division; conversion of one permanent post of Government Building Surveyor (D2) from single-disciplinary to bi-disciplinary to head the new Corporate Services Division, and revision and realignment of duties and responsibilities among some other directorate posts in the Department with effect from 1 July 2011; and conversion of one permanent post of Chief Structural Engineer (D1) from single-disciplinary to bi-disciplinary to head the new Minor Works and Signboard Control Section with effect from 6 December 2011
(In attendance: Deputy Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands)/Deputy Director of Buildings)

4.EC(2011-12)6Proposed deletion of one permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) in the Independent Police Complaints Council with immediate effect
(In attendance: Under Secretary for Security/Principal Assistant Secretary for Security/Secretary-General, Independent Police Complaints Council/Deputy Secretary-General, Independent Police Complaints Council)
