Pecuniary interest : Please refer to Rules 83A and 84 of the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council for rules regarding pecuniary interest to be disclosed and voting in case of direct pecuniary interest.

Item No.Subject
1.FCR(2015-16)31#Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 20 Nov 2015. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ESTABLISHMENT SUBCOMMITTEE MADE ON 29 JUNE 2015

(This item seeks approval of the recommendations of the Establishment Subcommittee made at its meeting held on 29 June 2015.)

(In attendance : Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)/Assistant Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)/Judiciary Administrator/Assistant Judiciary Administrator (Development)/Deputy Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)/Principal Assistant Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)/Deputy Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services (Regulatory Services)/Assistant Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services (Railways))

EC(2015-16)5 Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) in Division 5 of the Transport Branch of Transport and Housing Bureau for about five years with immediate effect upon the approval by the Finance Committee up to 31 March 2020 to steer and oversee the promotion of the long-term development of the maritime industry in Hong Kong

(Item EC(2015-16)5 was discussed by the Panel on Economic Development on 27 May 2015 and supplementary information papers ESC109/14-15(01) and ESC109/14-15(02) have been provided by the Administration to the Establishment Subcommittee)

EC(2015-16)6 Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) in the Development Office of the Judiciary Administration of the Judiciary for three years with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee to steer and supervise the legislative amendments in the coming few years

(Item EC(2015-16)6 was discussed by the Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on 18 May 2015 and supplementary information papers CB(4)1369/14-15(01) and ESC106/14-15(01) have been provided by the Administration to the Panel and the Establishment Subcommittee respectively)

EC(2015-16)7 Proposed creation of two permanent posts of one Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (D1) and one Chief Electronics Engineer (D1) in the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department with immediate effect upon the approval by the Finance Committee to enhance the safety inspection and monitoring of existing railway service and new railway projects

(Item EC(2015-16)7 was discussed by the Subcommittee on Matters Relating to Railways on 6 March 2015 and supplementary information paper CB(4)1179/14-15(01) has been provided by the Administration to the Subcommittee)

2.FCR(2015-16)33#Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 20 Nov 2015. INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY FUND
Subhead 104 - The Nano and Advanced Materials Institute
Subhead 105 - The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel
Subhead 106 - The Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems Research and Development Centre
Subhead 107 - The Research and Development Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies

(This item invites Members to approve an increase in commitment of the following Subheads under Head 111 - Innovation and Technology -

(a)from $385.2 million by $304.8 million to $690 million for Subhead 104 - The Nano and Advanced Materials Institute;

(b)from $197.7 million by $146.8 million to $344.5 million for Subhead 105 - The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel;

(c)from $228.2 million by $71.5 million to $299.7 million for Subhead 106 - The Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems Research and Development Centre; and

(d)from $207.9 million by $154.5 million to $362.4 million for Subhead 107 - The Research and Development Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies.)

(In attendance : Commissioner for Innovation and Technology/Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology/Assistant Commissioner for Innovation and Technology (Funding Schemes)/Chief Executive Officer, The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel/Director, Research and Technology Development, The Research and Development Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies/General Manager, The Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems Research and Development Centre/Chief Executive Officer, The Nano and Advanced Materials Institute)

(Discussed by Commerce and Industry Panel on 16 June 2015 and supplementary information paper CB(1)1130/14-15(01) has been provided by the Administration to the Panel)

3.FCR(2015-16)34#Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 20 Nov 2015. CAPITAL WORKS RESERVE FUND
Hong Kong Police Force
Replacement of the Infrastructure Platform for the Police Operational Nominal Index Computer System and the Criminal Intelligence Computer System

(This item invites Members to approve a new commitment of $81,672,000 for the replacement of an obsolete infrastructure platform that supports Hong Kong Police’s computer systems.)

(In attendance : Under Secretary for Security/Deputy Secretary for Security/Principal Assistant Secretary for Security (E)/Assistant Commissioner of Police (Information Systems Wing)/Chief Superintendent (Crime Support)(Crime Wing), Hong Kong Police Force/Chief Superintendent (Crime Headquarters)(Crime Wing), Hong Kong Police Force)

(Discussed by Security Panel on 10 April 2015)

# Items carried over from the meetings held on 20 Nov 2015.

≠ If the House Committee ("HC") needs to resume its meeting at 5:00 pm, the second Finance Committee meeting will start immediately after the HC meeting has finished its business.
