Establishment Subcommittee

Meeting on 6 June 2017

Motion moved by a member
under paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure that
discussion on EC(2016-2017)29 be now adjourned

Member Voting result
Hon CHU Hoi-dick Result

The Subcommittee should proceed forthwith a motion proposed by a member under paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure on agenda item EC(2016-17)29

Member Serial nos. of the motion Voting results
Hon CHU Hoi-dick 1-12 Result
Hon CHAN Chi-chuen 13-16 Result
Hon Nathan LAW Kwun-chung 17 Result

Motion on agenda item EC(2016-17)29
moved by a member
under paragraph 31A of
the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

Member Serial nos. of the motions Voting results
Hon CHU Hoi-dick 12 Results