Select Committee to Inquire into Matters about the Agreement between Mr LEUNG Chun-ying and the Australian firm UGL Limited

BulletTerms of reference

The terms of reference of the Select Committee, which reflect the substance of the petition jointly presented by Hon Kenneth LEUNG and Hon Andrew WAN at the Council meeting of 2 November 2016 and referred to the Select Committee under Rule 20(6) of the Rules of Procedure, are as follows -

To inquire into the following matters regarding Mr LEUNG Chun ying's signing of an agreement with the Australian firm UGL Limited in 2011 ("UGL Agreement") and his receipt of payments amounting to £4 million from UGL Limited ("Payments") in connection with the UGL Agreement after assuming the office of Chief Executive: (i) whether Mr LEUNG had complied with the declaration requirements under Article 47 of the Basic Law and the system of declaration of interests by Members of the Executive Council, (ii) whether the UGL Agreement had given rise to any conflict of interests on the part of Mr LEUNG as the Chief Executive, and (iii) whether the Payments were taxable under the laws of Hong Kong.





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