Bills Committees

Independent Police Complaints Council Bill
Meeting Agenda

Date :3 February 1997
Time:2:30 p.m.

Item No. Subject
I.Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on 16 December 1996
(2:30 pm - 2:35 pm)
LegCo Paper No. CB(2) 1107/96-97 issued
II.Meeting with representatives from the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor
(2:35 pm - 3:00 pm)
III.Meeting with the Administration
(3:00 pm - 4:25 pm)
LegCo Paper No. CB(2) 1118/96-97(01) - Statistics on complaint cases provided by IPCC
LegCo Paper No. CB(2) 1118/96-97(02) - Administration's paper on the implications of conferring investigative powers on non-Police personnel
LegCo Paper No. CB(2) 1018/96-97(01) issued - Administration's response to issues raised at the Bills Committee meeting held on 9.1.97
LegCo Paper No. CB(2)1016/96-97(01) issued - Brief on the work of IPCC and its Secretariat
LegCo Paper No. CB(2) 979/96-97(01) issued - IPCC's discussions on improvements to the Police Complaints System
The Bill
IV.Any other business
(4:25 pm onwards)
V.Date of next meeting

LegCo Secretariat
31 January 1997

[ Agenda | Papers ]
Last Updated on 15 December 1998