Meeting Agenda as of 6 May 1996

Date :8 May 1996
Time:8:30 a.m.

Item No. Subject
I.Meeting with the following organisations:
(8:30 am - 10:00 am)
    - Hong Kong Institute of Architects
    - Hong Kong Institute of Planners
    (LegCo Paper No. CB(1)1351/95-96 and Appendix II to LegCo Paper No. CB(1)1361/95-96) - Aspinwall Clouston Ltd.
    (Appendix V to LegCo Paper No. CB(1)1336/95-96)
II.Meeting with Friends of the Earth (10:00 am - 10:30 am)
(Position Paper tabled at the first meeting and Appendix I to LegCo Paper No. CB(1)1361/95-96)

Last Updated on 5 Aug, 1996