LegCo Panel on Housing on 2 December 1996
Clearance of Squatters on Mixed Lots in Diamond Hill


In the 1992 Policy Commitments, the Government pledged to offer rehousing to all urban squatters on Government land by March 1996. We have completed the pledge by offering rehousing to over 33,000 squatters.

2. Squatters on mixed lots (i.e. private land mixed with Government land) in urban areas do not come within the Government’s pledge. The need for and timing of clearance of each squatter area is considered with regard to individual circumstances and the availability of rehousing resources.

Diamond Hill


3. For many years, the squatter villages in Diamond Hill have together constituted one of the territory’s largest squatter sites. In 1987, there were six squatter villages comprising 12,000 structures with a population of 34,000.

Clearance operations

4. Since 1987, some 26,000 squatters in Diamond Hill have been rehoused as a result of various development clearance programmes. At present, there are three squatter villages remaining in Diamond Hill. The clearance of Sheung Yuen Leng (North) Village, which is in progress, will be completed by early 1997.

Remaining squatters

5. The other two squatter villages, namely, Tai Hom Village and Ha Yuen Leng, have a population of about 8,000. Since the huts are situated on mixed lots, they do not come within the Government’s pledge. Meanwhile, local residents have submitted different opinions on the clearance programme: some seek early clearance so that they may be considered for rehousing in public rental flats, and some wish the status quo to remain for personal reasons.

Latest position

6. The site concerned is zoned "Comprehensive Development Area" in order to accommodate the possibility of building a Mass Transit Railway depot and related development. As and when the land use and development programme for this site are finally determined, and subject to the availability of rehousing resources, a clearance programme will be devised.

Housing Branch
November 1996

Last Updated on 20 August 1998