For discussion
on 3 April 1998


Recurrent Account
Subhead 475 Outward Bound Trust of Hong Kong
Subhead 502 Hong Kong Archaeological Society
Subhead 503 Subventions to non-government organisation camps
Capital Account
Subhead 948 Non-government organisation camps

Recurrent Account
Subhead 415 Hong Kong Sports Development Board
Subhead 459 Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Subhead 525 Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Capital Account
Subhead 942 Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Subhead 973 Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts - minor plant, vehicles and equipment (block vote)

Members are invited to approve the change of controlling officer from the Secretary for Broadcasting, Culture and Sport to the Secretary for Home Affairs in respect of nine subheads under Head 176 Subventions : Miscellaneous and Head 177 Subventions : Non-departmental Public Bodies in the 1998-99 Estimates.


We need to designate the Secretary for Home Affairs as the controlling officer for certain expenditure subheads pursuant to the re-organisation of the Broadcasting, Culture and Sport Bureau (BCSB) into the Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau (ITBB) and the consequential transfer of policy responsibility for culture and sports from BCSB to the Home Affairs Bureau (HAB).


2. We propose to change the controlling officer for the following subheads under Head 176 Subventions : Miscellaneous and Head 177 Subventions : Non-departmental Public Bodies in the 1998-99 Estimates from the Secretary for Broadcasting, Culture and Sport (SBCS) to the Secretary for Home Affairs (SHA) on the date the re-organisation takes effect -

Head 176 - Subventions: Miscellaneous
Recurrent Account
Subhead 475 Outward Bound Trust of Hong Kong
Subhead 502 Hong Kong Archaeological Society
Subhead 503 Subventions to non-government organisation camps

Capital Account
Subhead 948 Non-government organisation camps
Head 177 - Subventions: Non-Departmental Public Bodies
Recurrent Account
Subhead 415 Hong Kong Sports Development Board
Subhead 459 Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Subhead 525 Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Capital Account
Subhead 942 Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Subhead 973 Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts - minor plant, vehicles and equipment (block vote)


3. On 25 March 1998, the Establishment Subcommittee (ESC) endorsed, vide EC(97-98)84, the proposal to re-organise the BCSB into ITBB. As part of the re-organisation, SHA will take over from SBCS policy responsibilities for arts, culture, sports and physical recreation and, accordingly, the administration of subventions in these policy areas. The latter includes recurrent and capital subventions to the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Hong Kong Sports Development Board, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and non-government organisations running holiday camps as well as miscellaneous subventions to assist the disabled and youth at risk to take part in Outward Bound School courses and to support excavation works undertaken by the Hong Kong Archaeological Society.

4. Section 5(3) of the Public Finance Ordinance stipulates that the annual estimates of expenditure shall specify a controlling officer in respect of each head and subhead. The controlling officer is responsible and accountable for all expenditure from any head or subhead for which he is the controlling officer. SBCS is the designated controlling officer for the nine relevant subheads in paragraph 2 above in the 1998-99 Estimates. Upon the implementation of the re-organisation, SHA should assume the role of controlling officer.


5. The proposal has no additional financial or staffing implications.


6. The re-organisation proposal endorsed by the ESC on 25 March 1998 includes the transfer of three permanent and one supernumerary directorate posts from BCSB to HAB, the adjustment of the ceiling placed on the total notional annual mid-point salary value of Head 53 Government Secretariat : Home Affairs Bureau to facilitate the creation of eight non-directorate posts and the transfer of 84 non-directorate posts from BCSB to HAB. These staffing resources will enable SHA to assume the new responsibilities for arts, culture, sports and physical recreation. Subject to Finance Committee's approval of the ESC recommendations at its meeting on 3 April 1998, the re-organisation will take effect from 9 April 1998.

Broadcasting, Culture and Sport Bureau
March 1998