PLC Paper No. LS 28

Paper for the
House Committee Meeting
of the Provisional Legislative Council on
3 October 1997

Legal Service Division Report on
Subsidiary Legislation Gazetted on 26 September 1997

Date of Tabling in Provisional LegCo : 27 September 1997
Amendment to be made by : 22 October 1997 (or 29
October 1997 if extended by resolution)

Child Care Centres (Amendment) Ordinance 1997 (38 of 1997)
Child Care Centres (Amendment) Ordinance 1997 (38 of 1997) (Commencement) Notice 1997 (L.N. 446)

This Notice appoints 30 September 1997 as the day on which the amending ordinance is to come into operation.

The main purposes of the amending ordinance, enacted in May 1997, are to -

  1. exempt centres operated by mutual help child care groups on an occasional, informal and non-profiting-making basis from registration as child care centres;

  2. prohibit unsuitable persons from acting as childminders.

Child Care Centres (Amendment) Regulation 1997 (L.N. 272 of 1997)
Child Care Centres (Amendment) Regulation 1997 (L.N. 272 of 1997) (Commencement) Notice 1997 (L.N. 447)

This Notice appoints 30 September 1997 as the day on which the amending regulation (made and gazetted in May 1997) is to come into operation.

The main purpose of the amending regulation is to provide for requirements to be complied with in respect of mutual help child care centres, which are exempted from registration as child care centres under the Child Care Centres (Amendment) Ordinance 1997 (referred to in the fore-going item).

Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions and Minor Amendments) Ordinance 1997 (80 of 1997)
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions and Minor Amendments) Ordinance 1997 (80 of 1997) (Commencement) (No. 2) Notice 1997 (L.N. 448)

This Notice appoints 1 October 1997 as the day on which section 17 of the principal ordinance is to come into operation.

The effect of section 17 of the principal ordinance (enacted in June 1997) is to transfer some of the regulation-making powers exercised by the Chief Executive in Council under the Child Care Centres Ordinance to the Secretary for Health and Welfare.

Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance (87 of 1997)
Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance (87 of 1997) (Commencement) Notice 1997(L.N. 449)

This Notice appoints 26 September 1997 as the day on which the principal ordinance (except for a few provisions) is to come into operation.

The principal ordinance was enacted in June 1997 and provides for mutual legal assistance between Hong Kong and other territories in respect of criminal matters.

Prepared by

CHEUNG Ping-kam, Arthur
Assistant Legal Adviser
Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat
26 September 1997