PLC Paper No. LS 20

Paper for the House Committee Meeting
of the Provisional Legislative Council
on 22 August 1997

Legal Service Division Report on
Legislative Council Bill

Object of the Bill

To provide for the term of office of the Legislative Council, and for arrangements in relation to the election of its members.

Provisional LegCo Brief Reference

2. CAB C1/30/5 dated 14 August 1997.

Date of First Reading

3. 20 August 1997.


4. The Bill concerns various matters in relation to the Legislative Council and the election of its members. The proposals in the Bill include the constitution and membership of the Legislative Council, the establishment of geographical and functional constituencies, the constitution of the Election Committee, the qualification and registration of electors, the conduct of elections, election petitions, the appointment and functions of various officers involved in the registration and election processes, and empowering the Chief Executive in Council to make regulations on certain matters in relation to elections.

5. The Explanatory Memorandum of the Bill provides a summary of the proposals contained in the Bill.

Public Consultation

6. According to the PLC Brief, the Administration has conducted public consultation in late May/early June on the overall arrangements for the Legislative Council election, and further public consultation on functional constituencies and the Election Committee in late July.


7. Members are well aware that the Bill involves important matters of policy and that there is considerable public concern over the proposals contained in the Bill. The Legal Service Division is still scrutinizing the legal aspects of the Bill and intends to request certain technical information from the Administration. Members may wish to consider forming a Bills Committee at this stage.

Prepared by

LEE Yu-sung
Legal Adviser (Acting)
Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat
20 August 1997

Last Updated on 24 October 1997