Provisional Legislative Council

Panel on Information Policy
Establishment of the Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau


At the meeting of PLC Joint Panel on Information Policy and Public Service on 11 February, we briefed Members of our proposal to restructure the Broadcasting, Culture and Sport Bureau (BCSB) as the Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau (ITBB). Whilst retaining the broadcasting portfolio, the ITBB will assume policy responsibility for the co-ordination and development of IT applications and telecommunications in the public and private sectors. This paper aims to brief Members on the detailed staffing proposals involved.

Proposed Re-organisation

2. At present, the policy areas of the following Bureau Secretaries are most directly affected by developments in the IT field :

Secretary for Economic Services (SES)

Secretary for Broadcasting, Culture & Sport (SBCS)

Secretary for Treasury

(S for Tsy)






IT applications within Government

3. The absence of a focal point within Government for policy co-ordination across the information industries has hindered the development of a comprehensive IT strategy. As IT affects the community extensively, both in terms of improving communication and providing access to a wider choice of services, information and entertainment, there is a need to re-group the IT-related responsibilities of the bureaux so that one Bureau Secretary will lead and co-ordinate the work of government bureaux and departments involved in IT and the related areas of telecommunications and broadcasting. We believe that this will ensure that IT is given the priority and undivided attention it deserves and that policies and programmes are developed to exploit IT to the fullest extent possible to maintain Hong Kong's position as a leading business and financial centre and provide the community with better and more convenient access to public services. The Bureau Secretary will need to work closely with other bureaux on other important IT-related issues such as IT in education, finance and banking and trade and industry.

4. Having carefully reviewed the portfolios of SES, S for Tsy, and SBCS, we consider that restructuring BCSB as the ITBB is by far the most effective and economical way of bringing together IT, telecommunications and broadcasting under one roof. Whilst retaining the policy on broadcasting and related matters, the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting (SITB) will be responsible for formulating policies and overseeing the development of IT throughout Government and promoting the wider use of IT in the community to maintain Hong Kong's position as a leading business and financial centre. He will take over from SES and S for Tsy the responsibility for telecommunications policies and the co-ordination of IT applications in government bureaux and departments. At the moment, telecommunications is only one of the three policy subjects overseen by a Principal Assistant Secretary and his staff in the Economic Services Bureau (ESB), whereas IT applications in Government is only one of five issues overseen by a Principal Assistant Secretary and his staff in the Finance Bureau (FB). Thus, it will not be possible for ESB, particularly that the affected Principal Assistant Secretary will take on additional responsibility in the area of agriculture and fisheries, or FB to release posts to ITBB despite this transfer of responsibility. Any spare capacity created by the proposed transfer of duties will be effectively redeployed to enable ESB and FB to focus on their many other programme areas even more effectively.

5. In order to ensure that SITB can better focus on his IT, telecommunications and broadcasting portfolios, we propose to transfer the policy responsibility for arts, culture, sports, physical recreation and entertainment licensing from BCSB to Secretary for Home Affairs (SHA). The district-based network under the HAB will definitely help promote these activities. HAB will also work closely with the two Municipal Councils in these areas and act as the Administration's main contact point with the Councils. After the re-organisation exercise, HAB will continue to assume policy responsibilities for certain issues in relation to the code of access to information, personal data protection and press freedom which are more related to human rights and the freedom of expression than the development of information technology. It will also continue to oversee Government publicity and public relations efforts and to act as the housekeeping Bureau of the Information Services Department.

6. The existing organisation charts of BCSB, ESB and HAB, as well as the revised organisation charts of the latter two bureaux, and their relevant major programme areas before and after the proposed restructuring are at Enclosures 1 to 6.

Proposed Organisation of the Information

Technology and Broadcasting Bureau (ITBB)

7. The proposed organisation of the ITBB is shown in Enclosure 7. The SITB will formulate policies and oversee the development of IT and encourage its wider use in the public and private sectors having regard to Hong Kong's development as a major business and financial centre. He will review and if necessary devise appropriate regulatory frameworks to remove obstacles to interconnection between networks and formulate policies to facilitate the establishment of an open and common interface information infrastructure. He will lead and co-ordinate bureaux and departments on the development of IT and optimise Government's ability to utilise technology to ensure better service delivery in a more efficient manner. He will establish committees as appropriate comprising members of the public, industry and academia to advise on the overall direction of the information infrastructure development and in the specialised areas of technology, support services and applications. He will closely monitor the work of his portfolio and keep the establishment of the Bureau under regular review so as to keep pace with the latest development in IT and related areas.

Deputy Secretary (Broadcasting and Film Services) (AOSGB1)(D4)

8. This Deputy Secretary, redeployed from the BCSB, assists SITB on matters relating to broadcasting and public entertainment. He will be responsible for formulating and reviewing policies on broadcasting, promotion of film entertainment services, film censorship, control of obscene and indecent articles in the print media and on the internet. He will liaise and consult with the communications industry and other interested parties on policy issues in relation to the introduction of new broadcasting media to Hong Kong. He will oversee the house-keeping responsibility for Radio Television Hong Kong and Television Entertainment and Licensing Authority. In addition, he will oversee and direct the administration of the Bureau.

Deputy Secretary (Information Technology & Telecommunications) (AOSGB)(D3)

9. It is essential that the formulation and development of the wide-ranging policy issues falling within the IT portfolio are properly co-ordinated and handled at the Deputy Secretary level. Many of the issues involved are complex, requiring sensitivity and expert judgement in order to ensure that IT matters are effectively co-ordinated and taken forward. Having regard to the anticipated workload and the complexity of the subjects involved, we propose to create a permanent post of AOSGB(D3) to underpin SITB on IT and telecommunications matters. He will also be responsible for house-keeping matters for Information Technology Services Department and Office of the Telecommunications Authority.

Principal Assistant Secretary (Infrastructure and Applications) (AOSGC)(D2)

10. The Principal Assistant Secretary (Infrastructure and Applications) will assist the Deputy Secretary (Information Technology and Telecommunications) in formulating strategic plans for the development of an open common interface information infrastructure and key applications for the public and private sectors. He will assist the Deputy Secretary in liaising with the public and private sectors to solicit support and participation. He will serve as the secretary to relevant committees established by SITB in this connection.

Principal Assistant Secretary (Policy and Standards) (AOSGC)(D2)

11. This Principal Assistant Secretary will assist the Deputy Secretary (Information Technology and Telecommunications) in developing policy and standards in the information technology field. He will monitor the need for regulation or removal of impediments to the development and use of IT and formulate proposals accordingly. He will serve as the secretary to the relevant consultative committees which will be established by SITB in this connection. He will undertake the house-keeping responsibility for the Information Technology Services Department.

Principal Assistant Secretary (Telecommunications) (AOSGC)(D2)

12. This Principal Assistant Secretary will assist the Deputy Secretary (Information Technology and Telecommunications) on telecommunications issues. He will assist the Deputy Secretary in formulating policies on the development of telecommunications, including in particular regulatory requirements. He will monitor the need for removal of impediments to interconnections, and further development of an open and competitive telecommunications system. He will undertake the house-keeping responsibility for the Office of the Telecommunications Authority.

Principal Assistant Secretary (Broadcasting) (AOSGC) (D2)

13. This Principal Assistant Secretary post is redeployed from the BCSB. He will assist the Deputy Secretary (Broadcasting and Film Services) in formulating and reviewing broadcasting policies. He will also implement changes to legislation and oversee the house-keeping responsibility for the Radio Television Hong Kong.

Principal Assistant Secretary (Film Services) (AOSGC)(D2)

14. This Principal Assistant Secretary post is redeployed from the BCSB. He assists the Deputy Secretary (Broadcasting and Film Services) in formulating and reviewing policies on the control of obscene and indecent materials (including electronic publications such as Internet), promotion of film entertainment services and film censorship and classifications. He will also oversee house-keeping matters in respect of Television Entertainment and Licensing Authority.

15. The job descriptions for the eight directorate posts are given in Enclosures 8 to 15.

Non-Directorate Posts

16. To facilitate the restructuring, out of 140 non-directorate posts under BCSB, 56 will be retained in ITBB and 84 will be transferred to the HAB. In addition, 10 non-directorate posts will be created under ITBB to support the directorate posts for the development of IT. Another 8 non-directorate posts will be created under HAB to strengthen its Administration Unit so that adequate personnel, accounting, supplies and translation services can be provided to activities relating to culture and sports. The creation of these non-directorate posts will be dealt with under the Departmental Establishment Committee of ITBB and HAB respectively.

Staffing Implications

17. In brief, our staffing proposals are as follows -

  1. those posts under the establishment of BCSB which are related to broadcasting be placed under the proposed ITBB, whereas those posts relating to culture and sport be transferred to the Home Affairs Bureau (HAB);

  2. the creation of the permanent posts of one Administrative Officer Staff Grade B (D3) and three Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2), to assist in the co-ordination and formulation of policies to promote the wider use and development of IT; and

  3. the adjustment of the ceilings placed on the NAMS value of non-directorate posts in the permanent establishment of Head 53 and Head 55 to facilitate the restructuring of the BCSB as the ITBB and consequential rationalisation in the establishment of the affected Bureaux.

Financial Implications

18. The total notional annual salary cost of the proposal at MID-POINT is $12,923,100. The full annual average staff cost of the proposal, including salaries and staff on-cost is $21,785,508.

19. No provision has been included in the 1998-99 Draft Estimates to meet the cost of the proposal which is estimated at $12,923,100. We propose that the supplementary provision required be provided under delegated authority.

The Way Forward

20. Subject to the views of the Information Policy Panel, we will submit our proposals to the Establishment Subcommittee for recommendation to the Finance Committee for approval.

Administration Wing
Chief Secretary for Administration's Office
February 1998

Enclosure 8

Job Description

Post : Secretary for Information Technology & Broadcasting

Rank : Director of Bureau (D8)

Responsible to : Chief Secretary for Administration

Duties and Responsibilities

1. To lead and coordinate the work of all those Government organization involved in information technology (IT) and the related areas of broadcasting and telecommunications;

2. To oversee and promote the development of IT in Hong Kong and encourage its wider use in the public and private sectors;

3. To formulate policies to facilitate the establishment of an information infrastructure;

4. To lay down appropriate regulatory frameworks to remove obstacles to interconnection between networks, and enhance Hong Kong's external info-communications links;

5. To commission pilot projects that make innovative use of the developing infrastructure;

6. To formulate and review policies relating to broadcasting, film and telecommunications issues;

7. To act as the house-keeper of the Office of the Telecommunications Authority, Information Technology Services Department, Radio Television Hong Kong and Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority; and

8. To oversee and direct the administration of the Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau.

Enclosure 9

Job Description

Post : Deputy Secretary (Broadcasting & Film Services)

Rank : Administrative Officer Staff Grade B1 (D4)

Responsible to : Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting

Duties and Responsibilities

1. To be responsible to the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting for the formulation, evaluation and monitoring of Government's policies and plans on Broadcasting;

2. To formulate and review policies on the promotion of film entertainment services;

3. To formulate and review policies on film censorship and classification;

4. To liaise and consult with the communications industry and other interested parties on policy issues in relation to introduction of new broadcasting media to Hong Kong;

5. To represent the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting on such committees and boards as may be required; and

6. To supervise and direct the administration of the Bureau.

Enclosure 10

Job Description

Post : Deputy Secretary (Information Technology & Telecommunications)

Rank : Administrative Officer Staff Grade B (D3)

Responsible to : Secretary for Information Technology & Broadcasting

Duties and Responsibilities

1. To be responsible to the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting for optimising the Government's ability to utilise information technology for enhancing the standard of services;

2. To formulate and implement policies on the removal of obstacles to interconnection between networks;

3. To develop a strategic plan for the establishment of a common interface information infrastructure in Hong Kong;

4. To liaise closely with the public and private sectors for support and co-operation in developing the information infrastructure;

5. To formulate and develop an overall information technology publicity strategy for educating the community;

6. To represent the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting on such committees and boards as may be required; and

7. To oversee and direct the activity of the Office of the Telecommunications Authority and Information Technology Services Department.

Enclosure 11

Job Description

Post :

Principal Assistant Secretary (Infrastructure and Applications)

Rank :

Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2)

Responsible to :

Deputy Secretary (Information Technology & Telecommunications)

Duties and Responsibilities


To assist the Deputy Secretary (Information Technology & Telecommunications) in formulating policies on promoting the wider use of IT in the public and private sectors;


To devise strategic plans for the development of the key applications in the information infrastructure;


To co-ordinate and implement pilot projects that make innovative use of the developing infrastructure;


To liaise with the public and private sectors and academia for support and co-operation in developing IT applications;


To assist the Deputy Secretary on such boards and committees as may be required; and


To monitor the overall direction and progress of the consultants under the applications areas.

Enclosure 12

Job Description

Post :

Principal Assistant Secretary (Policy & Standards)

Rank :

Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2)

Responsible to :

Deputy Secretary (Information Technology & Telecommunications)

Duties and Responsibilities


To assist the Deputy Secretary (Information Technology & Telecommunications) in developing policy and standards in the IT field;


To draft the strategic plan for the removal of impediments to the development and use of IT;


To co-ordinate and liaise with public and private sectors for support in developing IT standards;


To assist the Deputy Secretary in chairing such boards and committees as may be required; and


To undertake the house-keeping responsibility for the Information Technology Services Department.

Enclosure 13

Job Description

Post : Principal Assistant Secretary (Telecommunications)

Rank : Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2)

Responsible to : Deputy Secretary (Information Technology and Telecommunications)

Duties and Responsibilities

1. To assist the Deputy Secretary (Information Technology and Telecommunications) in formulating policies on the applications of telecommunications in the information infrastructure;

2. To provide input to drafting the telecommunications aspects of the strategic plan;

3. To review existing policies and legislations in respect of telecommunications matters;

4. To formulate policy options to respond to the foreseeable development of telecommunications technologies and the convergence of telecommunications and IT;

5. To assist the Deputy Secretary on such board and committees as may be required; and

6. To oversee house-keeping matters in respect of the Office of the Telecommunications Authority.

Enclosure 14

Job Description

Post : Principal Assistant Secretary (Broadcasting)

Rank : Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2)

Responsible to : Deputy Secretary (Broadcasting & Film Services)

Duties and Responsibilities

1. To assist Deputy Secretary (Broadcasting and Film Services) in formulating and reviewing broadcasting policies;

2. To implement changes to legislation in pursuance of agreed policy;

3. To oversee housekeeping matters in respect of Radio Television Hong Kong; and

4. To manage and supervise the work of the Broadcasting Division.

Enclosure 15

Job Description

Post : Principal Assistant Secretary (Film Services)

Rank : Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2)

Responsible to : Deputy Secretary (Broadcasting & Film Services)

Duties and Responsibilities

1. To assist Deputy Secretary (Broadcasting & Film Services) in the formulation and review of policies on the control of obscene and indecent materials, including those on new forms of electronic publications such as the Internet;

2. To assist Deputy Secretary (Broadcasting & Film Services) in the formulation and implementation of policies relating to the promotion of film entertainment services;

3. To assist Deputy Secretary (Broadcasting & Film Services) in the formulation and review of policies on film censorship and classification;

4. To oversee matters relating to the house-keeping of Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority; and

5. To manage and supervise the Film Services Division.