PLC Paper No. CB(2) 321(01)

Provisional Legislative Council
Panel on Public Service

List of outstanding issues for discussion
(as at 4 September 1997)

1. Review of civil service fringe benefits

In response to members�questions raised at the Panel meeting held on 25 August 1997, the Administration has advised that civil service fringe benefits would be reviewed as and when necessary, having regard to changing circumstances. Members would like to be briefed on the development of any review in progress, in particular in respect of the impact of localization of the civil service on such reviews.

2. Putonghua training for civil servants

At the meeting held on 25 August 1997, members enquired of the provision of Putonghua training to civil servants and the setting of priorities in respect of the offering of such training to civil servants in different ranks and posts. Members were particularly concerned about the provision of Putonghua training to front-line officers who might have frequent contacts with cadres of the mainland authorities during the daily discharge of their duties.

3. Update on employment of temporary staff in the civil service

Matters relating to continual employment of short-term or temporary staff in the civil service were last discussed at the meeting held on 27 January 1997. At the meeting held on 25 August 1997, members considered that the subject should be followed-up at a future meeting of the Panel.

Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat
4 September 1997

Last Updated on 24 October 1997