House Committee of the Legislative Council
23rd meeting on 26 February 1999


  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the 22nd meeting held on 5 February 1999

  2. (LC Paper No. CB(2) 1337/98-99)

  3. Matters arising

    1. Report by the Chairman on his meeting with the Chief Secretary for Administration

    2. The Chief Executive's reply (dated 15 February 1999) to the Chairman's letter of 2 February 1999 inviting the Chief Executive to attend a meeting with LegCo Members to discuss the three inquiry reports on the opening of the new airport
      (Copies of Chief Executive's reply and the Chairman's letter were sent to Members on 15 February 1999. Chinese versions of the two letters attached)

  4. Business arising from previous Council meetings

    1. Legal Service Division's reports on bills referred to the House Committee in accordance with Rule 54(4)

      1. International Organizations (Privileges and Immunities) Bill
        (LC Paper No. LS 97/98-99 to follow)

      2. Adaptation of Laws (No.3) Bill 1999
        (LC Paper No. LS 104/98-99)

      3. Adaptation of Laws (No.2) Bill 1999
        (LC Paper No. LS 103/98-99)

      4. Adaptation of Laws (No.4) Bill 1999
        (LC Paper No. LS 109/98-99 to follow)

      5. Disciplined Services Welfare Funds Legislation (Amendment) Bill 1999
        (LC Paper No. LS 116/98-99 to follow)

    2. Legal Service Division's reports on subsidiary legislation tabled in Council on 10 February 1999 (gazetted on 5 February 1999) and subsidiary legislation to be tabled in Council on 3 March 1999 (gazetted on 12 & 19 February 1999) (LC Papers No. LS 113 and LS 118 to follow and LS 123/98-99 attached)

  5. Business for the Council meeting on 10 March 1999

    1. Questions
      (LC Paper No. CB(3) 1275/98-99)

    2. Bills - First and Second Readings

      1. Interpretation of General Clauses (Amendment) Bill 1999

      2. Companies (Amendment) Bill 1999

      3. Adaptation of Laws (No.5) Bill 1999

      4. Adaptation of Laws (No.6) Bill 1999

      5. Adaptation of Laws (No.7) Bill 1999

    3. Bills - resumption of debate on Second Reading, Committee Stage and Third Reading

      1. District Councils Bill

      2. Film Censorship (Amendment) Bill 1998

    4. Government motions

      1. Resolution under section 7 of the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Cap. 59) and section 35 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) - to be moved by Secretary for Education and Manpower

      2. Resolution under section 7(1) of the Public Finance Ordinance (Cap.2) - to be moved by the Secretary for the Treasury
        (LC Paper No. LS 117/98-99 to follow)

    5. Members' motions

      1. Motion on "Civil service's culture and efficiency"

        The above motion to be moved by Hon Eric LI Ka-cheung. Draft wording of the motion attached.

      2. Motion on "Vote of no confidence in the Secretary for Justice"

        The above motion to be moved by Hon Margaret NG. Draft wording of the motion attached.

  6. Reports

    1. Position report on Bills Committees/subcommittees
      (LC Paper No. CB(2) 1338/98-99)

    2. Report of the Bills Committee on Adaptation of Laws (No.3) Bill 1998

      Verbal report by Hon Margaret NG, Chairman of the Bills Committee.

    3. Report of the Bills Committee on District Councils Bill
      (LC Paper No. CB(2) 1326/98-99 - Chinese version to follow)

    4. Further report of the Bills Committee on Film Censorship (Amendment) Bill 1998
      (LC Paper No. CB(1) 911/98-99)

    5. Report of the Subcommittee on regulations relating to occupational safety and health
      (LC Paper No. CB(2) 1317/98-99)

  7. Any other business

  8. Implications of the Judgment of the Court of Final Appeal on cases relating to the right of abode of persons born in the Mainland to Hong Kong permanent residents
    (To be raised by Hon Emily LAU)

Legislative Council Secretariat
24 February 1999