Ref. : CB2/H/S/2/98

LC Paper No. CB(2) 2092/98-99

Problem of Hong Kong residents detained in the Mainland

List of Items on which the Administration
has been Requested to Provide Information

  1. whether there are established channels through which Hong Kong residents can seek advice and assistance when they encounter problems involving law and administrative regulations in respect of their activities in the Mainland;

  2. what assistance the HKSARG can provide to the Hong Kong residents who are involved in criminal proceedings in the Mainland;

  3. which bureau in the HKSARG can the families and/or friends of detainees approach for assistance and information, and what assistance can be rendered;

  4. which bureau in the HKSARG is responsible for following up cases of Hong Kong residents being detained in the Mainland with the Mainland authorities;

  5. the role of the Beijing Office in rendering assistance to Hong Kong residents involved in business or other disputes in the Mainland;

  6. the number and nature of cases of Hong Kong residents currently detained in the Mainland; present position of the cases relating to Mr Lok Yuk-shing, Mr Peter Leung Wing-sum and Mr Yiu Yun-fai;

  7. the total number of requests for assistance received by the HKSARG from Hong Kong residents encountering problems in the Mainland since 1 July 1997; and

  8. whether the HKSARG will assist in establishing a support centre both in Hong Kong and in the Mainland to help Hong Kong businessmen and manufacturers solve problems relating to taxation and law encountered in their operations in the Mainland.

Legislative Council Secretariat
24 May 1999