LegCo Panel on Home Affairs

Special meeting on the Initial Report on the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under Article 18
of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women

to be held on Monday, 7 December 1998 at 2:30 pm
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Meeting with deputations

  2. (2:30 pm - 4:00 pm)

    - Equal Opportunities Commission
    [Paper No. CB(2)754/98-99(01)]

    - Hong Kong Council of Social Service
    [Paper No. CB(2)754/98-99(02)]

    - Hong Kong Women Development Association
    [Paper No. CB(2)754/98-99(03)]

    - Hong Kong Federation of Women
    [Paper No. CB(2)754/98-99(04)]

    - Hong Kong Family Planning Association
    [Paper No. CB(2)754/98-99(05)]

    - Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centre
    [Paper No. CB(2)754/98-99(06)]

    - Dr Philip BEH, Faculty of Medicine University of Hong Kong
    [Paper No. CB(2)754/98-99(07)]

    - Hong Kong Association of Business and Professional Women

  3. Meeting with the Administration

  4. (4:00 pm - 4:25 pm)

  5. Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
30 November 1998