Ms LEUNG Siu-kum
Clerk to Panel
Legislative Council
Legislative Council Building
8 Jackson Road
Hong Kong

Dear Ms Leung,

LegCo Panel on Housing
Follow-up to meeting on 7 December 1998

The Secretary for Housing has received your letter of 9 December 1998 and asked me to provide further information on the future development over the San Fat Estate site.

San Fat Estate will be redeveloped under the Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme (CRP) in 2000/01. Its rehousing arrangement would be the same as many other CRP projects i.e. rehousing within the same local district if sufficient resources are available. Hence Tuen Mun Area 52 has been identified as the reception estate for the San Fat tenants.

Regarding the development on top of the public transport interchange, I wish to inform you that we have recently proposed to Government to develop the site for HOS as based on our assessment, public rental housing would not be a viable option.

Please be assured that we will continue to liaise with the relevant bureaux and departments with a view to seeking approval to build HOS flats on top of the public transport interchange.

Yours sincerely,

(Marco WU)
Ag Director of Housing

bcc Chairman, HK Housing Authority
SPEL (Attn: Mr Patrick LAU & Mr Esmond LEE)
S for H (Attn: Mr Andrew Wells)
S for T (Attn: Davey CHUNG)
Internal : DD/W
