(Letterhead of the Secretariat of Legislative Councillors of the Democratic Party)

15 December 1998

Ms LEUNG Siu-kum

Dear Ms LEUNG,

In preparation for the meeting of the LegCo Panel on Housing to be held on 4 January 1999, I would like to raise the following questions. Please refer them to the Housing Bureau and request an early reply in writing.

Privatization of estate management services

1. Please provide the names of public rental housing estates currently managed by the private sector, together with a detailed breakdown of the management costs of these estates. What is the average management cost of housing estates managed by the Housing Department (HD)?

2. What are the annual wastage rates of HD*s front-line housing management staff since 1994-95?

3. What recommendations have been made in the consultancy study on corporatization of estate management commissioned by HD? When will such recommendations be submitted to the Housing Authority (HA) for discussion?

Rehousing of elderly tenants upon redevelopment of public housing estates

1. On the layout of flats, what measures are being taken by HA to ensure that it will meet the needs of elderly tenants?

LAM Pui-yee
for Hon LEE Wing-tat
Chairman, LegCo Panel on Housing