For discussion
on 13 September 1999

LegCo Panel on Health Services
Meeting to be held on 13 September 1999

Manpower requirement in respect of health care grades in the
Hospital Authority and the Department of Health


This paper informs Members of the projected health care manpower requirements for the coming five years in the Hospital Authority (HA) and the Department of Health (DH).

Health Care Manpower Requirements for HA

2. The manpower requirements of health care professionals in HA arise from two major elements - (a) new services/new beds planned to be commissioned; and (b) replenishment of staff turnover.

3. In making manpower projections for individual professions to meet the new service requirements, HA will make reference to the following major parameters -

  1. the number and type of beds to be opened over the projection period based on the bed opening programme as agreed between Government and HA;

  2. the benchmark information on manpower for the outputs anticipated from the facilities commissioned (the latest actual statistics on activity and staff levels in the past three years is provided at Annex I).

4. In projecting the manpower requirements for replenishing staff turnover, HA will take into consideration the latest turnover rates of different professions, analyzed in relation to the market trend. In 1998-99, the wastage rate for doctors, nurses and allied health staff is 3.4%, 3.8% and 3.0% respectively. The staff strength of health care professionals in HA for the past three years is provided at Annex II.

5. The projected manpower requirements of doctors, nurses and allied health professionals in HA for 1999-2000 to 2003-2004 are set out in Annex III.

6. It should be noted that the projected manpower requirements are for planning purposes only. In the context of the Enhanced Productivity Programme, HA is actively exploring opportunities to re-engineer service operations. As such, the overall manpower requirements will be subject to the impact of the productivity gain initiatives, the associated service review and the re-deployment of staff. The actual number of additional positions to be created will depend on funds available, the progress of re-engineering initiatives and the staff deployment programmes.

Health Care Manpower Requirements for DH

7. According to the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines, one public clinic or health centre is provided for every 100,000 population. The actual provision of clinic services would take into consideration various factors including the demographic characteristics, casemix, and service utilization.

8. For public health functions, manpower planning is based on functional requirement.

9. Manpower planning ratios are intended as a reference for forecasting future manpower requirements. The health care manpower planning ratio in the Department of Health is described in Annex IV.

10. Health care manpower requirement arises from wastage and posts created for new projects or service enhancement. The estimated requirement of the Department of Health in the coming five years is provided in Annex V.

Health and Welfare Bureau
September 1999

Annex I

Statistics of the Hospital Authority on activity and staff levels

Total number of discharges and deaths per staff96/9797/9898/99
Allied health staff231229240

Annex II

Staff strength of health care professionals in the
Hospital Authority for the past three years


-Registered nurse/ Student nurse14,20314,94715,809
-Enrolled nurse/ Pupil nurse4,5954,5614,522
- Midwife/ others121106104

Allied Health Professionals4,1534,2954,392
- Audiology technician91011
- Clinical psychologist505457
- Dietitian687679
- Dispenser661656660
- Medical laboratory technician1,0931,0971,104
- Mould laboratory technician282828
- Optometrist222524
- Orthoptist101013
- Occupational therapist380399417
- Pharmacist154162170
- Physicist403939
- Physiotherapist602637657
- Podiatrist161719
- Prosthetist - Orthotist838289
- Radiographer714756775
- Scientific officer (medical)545656
- Speech therapist354145
- Medical social worker129145147
- Others552

Annex III

The Hospital Authority's projected manpower requirements of doctors, nurses and allied health staff for the coming five years

-due to new services180150120120100
-due to turnover110120140140180
  • Registered nurse

-due to new services100-150100-150100-150100-150100-150
-due to turnover430430440440440
  • Enrolled nurses

-due to new services50-6050-6050-6050-6050-60
-due to turnover8080808080
Allied health staff
-due to new services60-7040-5030-4030-4020-30
-due to turnover8080808080

Annex IV

Health manpower planning ratio for specific grades
in the Department of Health

Clinical Services1 doctor providing 540 doctor sessions per year
Public HealthDepends on functional requirement
NursesNo. of Nurses per consultation room
General Out-patient Clinic1.7
Social Hygiene7.2
Maternal & Child Health5.5
TB & Chest6
Family Planning3
Child Assessment Centre1
Comprehensive Observation Scheme 1:6000 screening per year
Forensic Pharmacist
Inspection and Licensing1:440 licences issued
Pharmaceutical registration1:450 pharmaceutical items submitted for registration
1 per 1.2 consultation rooms
Child Assessment Centre1:1 Centre
Elderly Health Centre1:1 Centre
Occupational Therapist
Child Assessment Centre1:1 Centre
Elderly Health Centre1:1 Centre

Annex V

The Department of Health's health manpower requirements
for the coming five years

Doctor : 5525417742240
Nurse : 117356916281464
Pharmacist : 8333320
Dispenser : 369182916108
Medical Technologist : 10446529
Medical Laboratory Technician : 9668736
Speech Therapist :--22-4
Occupational Therapist :--1315
Physiotherapist :1124210

The above is subject to funding approval of the planned projects and has included vacancies arising from wastage.