LegCo Panel on Planning, Lands and Works

Meeting on Thursday, 10 December 1998, at 10:45 am in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

IElection of Deputy Chairman
(10:45 am - 10:50 am)

Paper No. CB(1)581/98-99(01)-list of Government advisory bodies relevant to the Panel

Paper No. CB(1)581/98-99(02)-election procedure

IIConfirmation of minutes of meeting
(10:50 am - 10:55 am)

Paper No. CB(1)568/98-99-minutes of meeting on 15 October 1998 (issued)

IIIDate of next meeting and items for discussion
(10:55 am - 11:00 am)

IVInformation papers issued since last meeting

Paper No. CB(1)492/98-99-submission from Swire Properties on the Central
Wanchai Reclamation (issued)

* VCapital Works Reserve Fund, block allocation 1999 - 2000
(11:00 am - 11:35 am)

Paper No. CB(1)581/98-99(03)-information paper from the Administration
(Chinese version to follow)

* VI Progress report on cleaning up of environmental black spots in the New Territories
(11:35 am - 12:10 pm)

Paper No. CB(1)581/98-99(04)-information paper from the Administration

VII Sewerage works in the North District
(12:10 pm - 12:45 pm)

Paper No.CB(1)581/98-99(05)-information paper from the Administration

VIIIAny other business

* All other LegCo Members are invited to attend for discussion on these items.

Legislative Council Secretariat
8 December 1998