LC Paper No. CB(2) 1598/98-99(01)

LegCo Panel on Security

List of outstanding items for discussion
(as at 22.3.1999)

A. Items proposed by members

1. Travel convenience for visitors to come to Hong Kong

Proposed by Hon Mrs Selina CHOW on 30 July 1998. The Administration has been requested to provide advance information on the Administration*s efforts to enhance travel convenience for overseas visitors and visitors from Taiwan to enter Hong Kong. The Administration has provided the requested information which was circulated to members vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 202/98-99(02) on 1 September 1998. Members to decide whether it is necessary to follow up the issue.

2. Policy on Closed Area permit

Proposed by Hon Andrew CHENG on 5 November 1998. The subject of the existing policy on Closed Area permit (CAP) was discussed at a meeting between LegCo members and the Provisional North District Board members. The item was originally scheduled for discussion at the meeting in April 1999. The Administration proposed to defer the discussion on the item as the review on the Closed Area Permit has not yet been completed.

3. Assistance rendered to Hong Kong residents who get into trouble in the Mainland

Proposed by Hon CHENG Kai-nam on 5 November 1998. He proposes to discuss the assistance rendered by the Administration to Hong Kong residents who get into trouble in the Mainland, e.g. commit crimes in the Mainland, involve in business disputes and being detained by the Mainland authorities, or being kidnapped, so that the rights of the individual in question are safeguarded. The Administration suggests the timing of discussion be around May 1999.

4. Assistance rendered to Hong Kong residents who get into trouble in Taiwan

Proposed by Hon Albert HO on 5 November 1998. He proposes to discuss the assistance rendered by the Administration to Hong Kong residents who get into trouble in Taiwan, e.g. commit crimes in Taiwan, involve in business disputes and being detained by the Taiwan authorities, or being kidnapped, so that the rights of the individual in question are safeguarded. The Administration suggests the timing of discussion be around May 1999.

5. Dangerous Drugs Ordinance - products with hemp

Proposed by Hon Christine LOH on 16 November 1998. A copy of her letter is at Annex. The Administration has been requested to provide advance information on the subject matter. The Administration has provided the requested information which was circulated to members vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 975/98-99(01) on 5 January 1999. Members to decide whether it is necessary to follow up the issue.

6. Anti-illegal immigration measures

Proposed by Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong on 11 February 1999. He expressed concern about a possible influx of illegal immigrants from the Mainland in the light of the recent judgment handed down by the Court of Final Appeal on cases relating to right of abode of persons born on the Mainland to Hong Kong permanent residents. He requested the Administration to brief members on the anti-illegal immigration measures put in place to combat the problem. The Administration has been requested to provide an information paper on the subject. The requested information was circulated to members vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 1570/98-99(01) on 25 March 1999. Members to decide whether it is necessary to follow up the issue.

7. Indebtedness of police officers

Members expressed concern about the situation of police officers with unmanageable debts when the subject of quality improvement in the Police Force was discussed by the Panel on 11 February 1999. The Chairman proposed to follow up the issue in April or May 1999.

8. Provision of Video-Interview Rooms in Police stations

Proposed by Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong on 11 February 1999. He considered that the provision of Video-Interview Rooms in Police stations was essential to safeguard the fairness in the course of statement taking.

9. Year 2000 compliance in public security and emergency service

At the meeting of the Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting (ITB) held on 8 March 1999, members of the ITB Panel suggested that the Panel on Security should examine the Year 2000 compliance in computer systems for public security and emergency services such as the Police, fire services and emergency ambulance services. The Chairman suggests to discuss the issue in May 1999.

10. New application procedures for the Certificate of Entitlement and related issues

As agreed at the special House Committee meeting held on 5 February 1999, the following two issues are referred to the Panel on Security for follow-up -

  1. Interpretation of Article 24(3) of the Basic Law; and

  2. Mechanism for promulgation of new Certificate of Entitlement application procedures.
B. Items proposed by the Administration

1. Review of Dangerous Goods OrdinanceMay 1999

Legislative Council Secretariat
22 March 1999

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