First Legislative Council (1998 - 2000)

Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee

Terms of Reference
  1. To promote liaison and develop good relationship with parliamentary bodies in various territories;

  2. To consider proposals for the formation of friendship groups with legislatures outside Hong Kong;

  3. To deal with all matters pertaining to the activities of parliamentary friendship groups, including sending delegations on visits outside Hong Kong and hosting activities with delegations visiting Hong Kong; and

  4. To make recommendations to the House Committee in respect of the above.
Membership (The term of office of members of this committee ended on the expiry of the term of the Legislative Council on 30 June 2000)

Hon Edward HO Sing-tin, SBS, JP (Chairman)
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing, JP (Deputy Chairman)
Hon David CHU Yu-lin
Hon Fred LI Wah-ming, JP
Prof Hon NG Ching-fai
Hon Ronald ARCULLI, JP
Hon James TO Kun-sun
Hon Christine LOH Kung-wai
Hon YEUNG Yiu-chung

