Subcommittee to follow up on the outstanding capital works projects
of the two Provisional Municipal Councils for inclusion into the Government's Public Works Programme

3rd Meeting on Monday, 3 April 2000 at 10:45 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

Revised Agenda

I.Progress of the Kowloon Bay Recreation Ground, the Hammer Hill Road District Park and the Tai Kok Tsui Complex
(10:45 am - 11:50 am)

[Paper No. CB(2)1553/99-00(01)- paper provided by the Administration on the Kowloon Bay Recreation Ground, the Hammer Hill Road District Park and the Tai Kok Tsui Complex projects]

II.The remaining capital works projects approved/committed by the former Provisional Municipal Councils
(11:50 am - 12:25 pm)

[Paper No. CB(2)1553/99-00(02)- paper provided by the Administration on the remaining capital works projects of the two former Provisional Municipal Councils (PMCs) of concern to the Leisure & Cultural Services Department]

[Paper No. CB(2)1553/99-00(03)- paper provided by the Administration on the remaining capital works projects of the two former PMCs that involve the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (Chinese version to follow)]

III.Any other business
(from 12:50 pm onwards)

* Members of the Panel on Home Affairs and Panel on Environmental Affairs are invited to attend discussion.

Legislative Council Secretariat
31 March 2000