Committee on Access to the Legislature's Documents and Records
Membership, term of office, chairmanship and quorum
Conduct of meetings and circulation of papers
Granting of access prior to expiry of closure periods under Rule 74A(1)(a) of RoP
Granting of access upon expiry of closure periods under Rule 74A(1)(a) of RoP
Provision of access
Partial disclosure
Handling of requests made by LegCo Members
Handling of requests made by government bureaux/departments (''B/Ds'')
Handling of objection against a denial of access to a document or record under Rule 74A(1)(c) of RoP
Confidentiality undertaking
Access requests and objections from members of CoA
Report of CoA
Publishing lists of approved and denied requests on LegCo Website
Updating of practice and procedure
Annex I Procedure for nomination and election of members of the Committee on Access to the Legislature's Documents and Records
Annex II Exempted categories of the Legislature's documents and records