
主題: 人口政策兒童及家庭支援、生育


圖1 - 1980-2020年期間的活產嬰兒數目及總和生育率

圖1 - 1980-2020年期間的活產嬰兒數目及總和生育率

資料來源: Census and Statistics Department (2021a)。


圖2 - 1970-2020年期間新加坡與其他選定地方的總和生育率

圖2 - 1970-2020年期間新加坡與其他選定地方的總和生育率

註: (1)截至2019年的最新數字。
資料來源:Department of Statistics Singapore (2021)、Census and Statistics Department (2021a)、Ministry of Labor (2021)、Statistics Korea (2021)、Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2021)及World Bank (2021)。


  • 有鑒本地生育率持續下跌,社會上存在持續倡議,要求政府推出更多鼓勵生育措施。雖然新加坡的生育措施頗為積極,並被譽為於亞洲中"最為全面",但其生育率卻不較其他亞洲地方特別優勝。部分論者認為,新加坡的舉措未能扭轉生育率跌勢,但亦有論者表示若非該等措施的提振作用,當地生育率甚且會跌至更低水平。



1.總和生育率量度每名婦女在整個生育年齡周期中(即15-49歲),生育子女的平均數目。請參閱Census and Statistics Department (2020a及2021a)。

2.Yip, P.S.F. (2014)、Lui, C.W.L. (2019)及Youth I.D.E.A.S. (2018)。

3.Census and Statistics Department (2020c)。


5.United Nations Population Division (2015)。

6.該等中國公民所生嬰兒在活產嬰兒總數的比例,由2001年的1.3%激增至2011年37.4%的最高位,其後逐步回落至2020年的0.5%。請參閱Census and Statistics Department (2021b)。

7.Census and Statistics Department (2021a)及World Bank (2021)。

8.Census and Statistics Department (2020a及2021c)。

9.Kisi (2021)。

10.Bauhinia Foundation Research Centre (2014)。

11.Census and Statistics Department (2018)。

12.Chen, M. and Yip, P.S.F. (2017)及Rindfuss, R.R. and Choe, M.K. (2015)。

13.Census and Statistics Department (2020b及2020c)。

14.GovHK (2017b)及Chief Secretary for Administration's Office (2015)。


16.Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2019)。

17.Leung, L.C. (2016)。

18.Legislative Council Secretariat (2019)。

19.GovHK (2017a)、Assisted Reproductive Technology Unit (2021)及Centre of Assisted Reproduction and Embryology (2021)。


21.Yip, P.S.F. (2014)、Lui, C.W.L. (2019)及Youth I.D.E.A.S. (2018)。

22.55個地方之中,27個位於歐洲(包括法國和德國),18個位於亞洲(包括新加坡和日本)。請參閱United Nations Population Fund (2019)。

23.Jones, G.W. and Hamid, W. (2015)。

24.Ministry of Social and Family Development (2021)。

25.新加坡政府作出配對供款的上限如下:第1名子女3,000 新加坡元(17,460 港元),第2名子女6,000 新加坡元(34,920 港元),第3名及第4名子女增至9,000 新加坡元(52,380 港元),第5名及以上子女15,000 新加坡元(87,300 港元)。

26.第2名子女的家長稅務回扣限為10,000 新加坡元(58,200 港元),第3名及以上子女則為20,000 新加坡元(116,400 港元)。請參閱Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (2021a)。

27.根據在職母親子女評稅扣減,育有第2名子女的在職母親可獲豁免計算20%的收入,育有第3名及以上子女者,獲豁免計算25%的收入。請參閱Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (2021b)。

28.經雙方同意後,在職父親可分享妻子的產假,上限為4星期,以作為共同育兒假。請參閱Ministry of Manpower (2021b及2021c)。

29.Ministry of Manpower (2021a及2021d)。

30.每月收入低於限額(12,000 新加坡元或69,840 港元)的家庭,可獲額外資助,上限為每月710 新加坡元(4,130 港元)。請參閱Government of Singapore (2020b)。

31.相關經營者須將全日制託兒服務及嬰幼兒照顧服務的每月收費,分別維持在低於760 新加坡元(4,420 港元)及1,330 新加坡元(7,740 港元)的水平。請參閱Early Childhood Development Agency (2020)。

32.新冠疫情爆發後,領取工作與生活和諧津貼的受惠對象在2020年4-8月期間急增,涵蓋約8 000家公司逾9萬名僱員。請參閱Ministry of Manpower (2020)。

33.Housing and Development Board (2021b)。

34.Housing and Development Board (2021c)。

35.Housing and Development Board (2021a)。

36.Government of Singapore (2020a)及Ministry of Health (2020)。

37.United Nations Population Divisions (2015)。

38.Koh, C.Y. (2018)。

39.Jones, G.W. and Hamid, W. (2015)。

40.Jones, G.W. and Hamid, W. (2015)。

41.United Nations Population Fund (2019)。



1.Assisted Reproductive Technology Unit. (2021) Public Service Appointment.

2.Bauhinia Foundation Research Centre. (2014) Launch of the city's first comprehensive Child Cost Calculator.

3.Census and Statistics Department. (2018) 2016 Population By-census (Thematic Report: Persons Living in Subdivided Units).

4.Census and Statistics Department. (2020a) Fertility Trend in Hong Kong, 1981 to 2019.

5.Census and Statistics Department. (2020b) Hong Kong Population Projections 2020-2069.

6.Census and Statistics Department. (2020c) Table E486: Hong Kong Labour Force Projections.

7.Census and Statistics Department. (2021a) Table 3: Vital Events.

8.Census and Statistics Department. (2021b) Table 4: Number of live births born in Hong Kong to Mainland women.

9.Census and Statistics Department. (2021c) Women and Men in Hong Kong - Key Statistics (2021 Edition).

10.Centre of Assisted Reproduction and Embryology. (2021) Contact Us.

11.Chen, M. and Yip, P.S.F. (2017) The Discrepancy Between Ideal and Actual Parity in Hong Kong: Fertility Desire, Intention, and Behavior. Population Research and Policy Review, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 583-605.

12.Chief Secretary for Administration's Office. (2015) Population Policy: Strategies and Initiatives.

13.GovHK. (2017a) LCQ8: Medical support for women in relation to child birth.

14.GovHK. (2017b) LCQ15: Measures to encourage childbearing.

15.Legislative Council Secretariat. (2019) Opportunities and challenges facing maternal workforce in Hong Kong.

16.Leung, L.C. (2016) Making Policy for Child Care in Hong Kong.

17.Lui, C.W.L. (2019) Family Policies, Social Norms and Fertility Decisions: A Survey Experiment.

18.Rindfuss, R.R. and Choe, M.K. (2015) Diversity across Low-Fertility Countries: An Overview. Low and Lower Fertility, pp. 1-13.

19.Yip, P.S.F. (2014) A Study of Aspiration of Fertility amongst Married Women in Hong Kong (Age 15-49).

20.Youth I.D.E.A.S. (2018) Boosting Birth Rate in Hong Kong.


21.Department of Statistics Singapore. (2021) Births And Fertility Rates, Annual.

22.Early Childhood Development Agency. (2020) More Families to Benefit from Lower Fee Caps at 324 Childcare Centres Appointed as Partner Operators.

23.Government of Singapore. (2020a) Co-Funding For Assisted Conception Procedures (ACP).

24.Government of Singapore. (2020b) Subsidies For Preschool.

25.Housing and Development Board. (2021a) Fiancé/Fiancée Scheme.

26.Housing and Development Board. (2021b) Parenthood Priority Scheme (PPS).

27.Housing and Development Board. (2021c) Third Child Priority Scheme (TCPS).

28.Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore. (2021a) Parenthood Tax Rebate (PTR).

29.Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore. (2021b) Working Mother's Child Relief (WMCR).

30.Jones, G.W. and Hamid, W. (2015) Singapore's Pro-natalist Policies: To What Extent Have They Worked? Low and Lower Fertility, pp. 33-61.

31.Koh, C.Y. (2018) Fertility Rebound in the OECD: Insights for Singapore.

32.Ministry of Health. (2020) Extension of Assisted Conception Procedure Co-Funding to Private Assisted Reproduction Centres.

33.Ministry of Manpower. (2020) Work-Life Grant (WLG) for flexible work arrangements.

34.Ministry of Manpower. (2021a) Childcare leave eligibility and entitlement.

35.Ministry of Manpower. (2021b) Maternity leave eligibility and entitlement.

36.Ministry of Manpower. (2021c) Paternity leave.

37.Ministry of Manpower. (2021d) Unpaid infant care leave.

38.Ministry of Social and Family Development. (2021) Baby Bonus Scheme.

39.United Nations Population Division. (2015) Do pro-fertility policies in Singapore offer a model for other low-fertility countries in Asia?


40.Kisi. (2021) Cities with the Best Work-Life Balance 2021.

41.Ministry of Labor. (2021) Fertility Rates of Childbearing Age Women.

42.Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2019) PF2.1. Parental leave systems.

43.Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2021) Fertility rates.

44.Statistics Korea. (2021) Preliminary Results of Birth and Death Statistics in 2020.

45.United Nations Population Fund. (2019) Policy responses to low fertility: How effective are they?

46.World Bank. (2021) Fertility rate, total (births per woman).
