Education - Higher education

Paper no.TitlePublication date
ISE13/2022 Commercialization of academic research in Shenzhen 2022.09.08
IN01/2022 Vocational and professional education in Germany and Singapore 2022.06.24
ISSH05/2022 Self-financing post-secondary education 2022.02.18
IN09/18-19 Measures to ensure teaching quality of higher education in selected places 2019.03.21
RB04/15-16 Challenges of manpower adjustment in Hong Kong 2016.06.07
IN15/14-15 Review of development of vocational education in Hong Kong 2015.08.13
RB02/14-15 Social mobility in Hong Kong 2015.01.12
FS22/12-13 A summary of press reports on the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (from 12 January 2005 to 19 February 2013) (Chinese version only) 2013.02.19
  Self-financing post-secondary sector  
• Surplus generated by the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from self-financing programmes
• Development of self-financing post-secondary sector
FS20/10-11 Mainland Experience Scheme for Post-secondary Students 2011.05.05
  Complaint handling mechanism in higher education sector in selected places  
• Complaint handling mechanism in higher education sector in selected places

This research examines the redress system for staff in the higher education sector in the United Kingdom, Queensland of Australia and Taiwan. It covers the related legislation and code of practice, the complaint handling mechanism within higher education institutions, independent inter-institutional and other external organizations that handle complaints and grievances of staff in the higher education sector; and public agencies that operate a redress system for staff in the higher education sector.
• Introduction to the complaint handling mechanism for the higher education sector in overseas places
IN04/09-10 Doctoral fellowship schemes in selected jurisdictions 2010.08.09
IN07/07-08 Government scholarship schemes in selected places 2008.01.31
RP01/07-08 Academic freedom and institutional autonomy of higher education in the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Hong Kong

This research studies academic freedom and institutional autonomy of higher education in the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Hong Kong. It covers overview of higher education systems; legal protection of academic freedom and institutional autonomy; governing structure of higher education institutions; funding arrangement of higher education; and employment relationship of higher education institutions.
  Superannuation schemes of UGC-funded institutions  
• An Analysis on Two Proposals to Change the Funding Requirements for Superannuation Schemes of UGC-funded Institutions

This research examines two proposals to change the funding requirements for the superannuation schemes of the institutes funded by the University Grants Committee.
• Superannuation Schemes of UGC-funded Institutions --- Analysis of Solvency Ratios

This research analyzes factors accounting for the decline in solvency ratios of the superannuation schemes of the University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. It covers the trend in solvency ratios, trends in scheme assets and liabilities and factors affecting changes in assets and liabilities.
• Superannuation Schemes of UGC-funded Institutions --- Employers' Responsibilities and Power to Make Changes

This research examines in detail employers' responsibilities and power to make changes in the superannuation schemes of the institutions funded by the University Grants Committee. These institutions include the University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Baptist University, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Lingnan College.
• Superannuation Schemes of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the Hong Kong Tourist Association and the Vocational Training Council

This research studies the superannuation schemes of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the Hong Kong Tourist Association and the Vocational Training Council. It examines the basic features of their schemes and investigates whether these organizations encounter similar solvency problems as some of the tertiary institutions and the measures adopted to address the problems, if any.
• Superannuation Schemes of UGC-funded Institutions

This research provides information on retirement schemes and the registration, funding requirements of the Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance, and the superannuation schemes of UGC-funded institutions, including a simple analysis of their past performance and a comparison of the scheme features with those of selected companies in the private sector.