Electricity, energy and water supply

Paper no.TitlePublication date
IN03/2022 Decarbonization strategy in Shenzhen and Singapore 2022.07.06
IN04/17-18 Feed-in tariff for solar power in selected places 2018.01.17
ISE24/15-16 Solar power development in Seoul and Singapore 2016.07.13
FS10/14-15 Seawater desalination in Australia 2015.09.30
FS09/14-15 Seawater desalination in Singapore 2015.09.30
FS08/14-15 Seawater desalination in Israel 2015.09.30
FS07/14-15 Seawater desalination technologies 2015.09.30
RB05/14-15 Water resources in Hong Kong 2015.06.11
FS14/11-12 Issues relating to water supply systems in buildings arising from the detection of Legionella bacteria in the Central Government Offices and the Legislative Council Complex (Chinese version only) 2012.01.13
IN17/10-11 Recent water mains burst incidents (Chinese version only) 2011.07.12
IN02/08-09 Auto-fuel prices in selected places 2008.10.23
IN31/05-06 Renewable Energy in Denmark 2006.06.12
IN26/05-06 Electricity Market in Hong Kong 2006.05.24
IN23/05-06 Total Water Management in Finland 2006.04.22
IN22/05-06 Wind Farms in Denmark 2006.04.22
IN19/03-04 Promotion of Renewable Energy 2004.09.09
RP11/99-00 Water Quality Control Measures in Overseas Places

This research studies the water quality control measures in Hong Kong, Sydney, New York City and Singapore. It covers water sources, administrative arrangements, standards and actual quality of raw water, standards and actual quality of treated water, measures to ensure water quality and water cost.
RP15/98-99 China Light and Power Black Point Project: The Government's Monitoring of Electricity Supply Companies

China Light and Power ("CLP") was given approval for developing additional power generating facilities at Black Point in 1992. This research provides information on the considerations taken into account by the Government in assessing CLP's demand forecasts in 1992 when granting such approval. It also covers CLP's purchase and sale of electricity, and participation in the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station Project.
RP05/96-97 Study on LPG as a Fuel for Vehicles

This research provides information on the usage of liquefied petroleum gas ("LPG") in vehicles including taxis in overseas places. It covers the restrictions on the usage of LPG in vehicles, the safety aspects and difficulties in travelling on steep slopes and mountainous areas, the accident rates and the circumstances involved, and the comparison of costs and environmental impacts.
  Commissioning schedule of the Tseung Kwan O Substation  
• Commissioning Schedule of the Tseung Kwan O Substation

This research studies the commissioning schedule of the Tseung Kwan O Substation. It covers the need for the Tseung Kwan O Substation and the associated link, the different views presented by the China Light and Power Company, Limited and the reasons for the difference, and the examination conducted by the Administration.
• Response to CLP's Comments on Research Paper RP02/95-96

This note responds to CLP's comments on Research Paper RP02/95-96.
• Commissioning Schedule of the Tseung Kwan O Substation and the Tsz Wan Shan to Tseung Kwan O Transmission Link

This research studies the justifications behind the completion schedule of the Tseung Kwan O Substation and its link with Tsz Wan Shan Substation when the project was planned in the early 1990s. It covers the validity of the justifications, the need of the Substation and views of the China Light and Power Company, Limited.
RP01/95-96 An Overview on Governments' Positions and Policies Regarding Electromagnetic Fields

This research studies the government policies on electromagnetic fields and the application of the International Radiation Protection Association Guidelines in former Czechoslovakia, Japan, the United Kingdom, the former USSR, and Florida, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, New York and Oregon of the United States. It covers the basics of electromagnetic fields ("EMF"), studies on health effects of exposure to EMF, the International Radiation Protection Association Guidelines, standards and guidelines adopted by overseas places, policy choices, and restrictions related to overhead power lines.