Promotion of private funding for sports development in Japan

Subject: home affairs, sports development

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Recent developments on sports funding in Hong Kong
Recent developments on sports funding in Japan
Prepared by LEUNG Chi-kit
Research Office
Information Services Division
Legislative Council Secretariat
21 January 2022

  1. The figures refer to the sum of SSS, Arts and Sport Development Fund and Elite Athletes Development Fund received by 60 subvented SAs and HKSI as in March 2020. See Legislative Council (2017b) and 明報(2021).
  2. GovHK (2021a, 2021b, 2021c, 2021d), Legislative Council (2017a, 2017b, 2021) and Legislative Council Secretariat (2019).
  3. Policy Address (2021).
  4. De Bosscher et al. (2015) and Leisure and Cultural Services Department (2020).
  5. Data were retrieved from annual reports or financial statements under SSS (if the former is unavailable) of HKSI and NSAs. See Hong Kong Sports Institute (2020), GovHK (2021b, 2021c) and Home Affairs Bureau (2021).
  6. International Monetary Fund (2021) and Home Affairs Bureau (2021).
  7. Hong Kong Football Association (2020), 明報(2019) and 香港01 (2021).
  8. Policy Address (2021).
  9. GovHK (2021c) and 陳智思(2021).
  10. Panel on Home Affairs (2020), Legislative Council (2021) and Legislative Council Secretariat (2019).
  11. Panel on Home Affairs (2019).
  12. According to the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) ("IRO"), sports organizations including subvented SAs promoting "a particular sport" is not eligible to register as charities for tax exemption. See Inland Revenue Department (2021).
  13. Under section 87 of IRO, the Chief Executive in Council may also grant subvented SAs a special tax exemption on a case-by-case basis. According to scattered information disclosed, such exemption was granted to Hong Kong, China Rowing Association in 2020.
  14. Legislative Council (2021) and South China Morning Post (2021).
  15. International Monetary Fund (2021), 笹川體育財團(2021) and 日本政策投資銀行(2015, 2021).
  16. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (1999, 2010), 文部科學省(2017) and Japan Sports Agency (2021e).
  17. Sasakawa Sports Foundation (2020).
  18. Recent strategies of the medium-term plan of JTU include (a) commissioned analyses conducted by a university on the profile and spending of participants for each event; (b) launching a one-stop service e-portal and mobile app for enhanced member loyalty embedded with special offers from sponsors; (c) converting player data on the portal for better tournament planning and promotion of new products; and (d) seeking marketing expertise for more sponsorships. See 文部科學省(2015, 2017) and Japan Sports Agency (2020, 2021a, 2021b, 2021c).
  19. Japan Sports Agency (2021a, 2021d) and AUBA (2021).
  20. There are 17 requirements for compliance of NSAs with PIC status, such as at least half of total expenditure must be related to sports or other charitable purposes. See 國稅廳(2012).
  21. 日本體操協會(2020).
  22. 國稅廳(2020) and Japan Football Lab (2021).
  23. The rest one-fourth of net profits is distributed back to the national treasury as tax payment. See Sasakawa Sports Foundation (2020), B.League (2021) and Japan Sport Council (2021a, 2021b).
  24. Contrary to the profits of toto/BIG exclusively for local sports, there are other public sports gambling (e.g. horse racing and cycling) generating indirect resources as tax payment to the government for redistributing back to various social welfare projects including sports more generally, similar to Hong Kong. See Sasakawa Sports Foundation (2017), 笹川體育財團(2021) and Financial Times (2021).
  25. 笹川體育財團(2021).
  26. For smaller-sized and micro NSAs with annual income in the range of ¥100-300 million (HK$7-21 million) and below ¥100 million (HK$7 million), the proportions of business revenues to total income both increased by five percentage points to 31% and 21% respectively during 2014-2018. See 笹川體育財團(2015, 2021).

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