Prevention of heat stroke in the workplace in California

Subject: manpower, occupational safety and health, occupational diseases

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Occupational hazards arising from high temperature
Recent policy developments in Hong Kong
Mandatory protection for workers in California
Prepared by Germaine LAU
Research Office
Research and Information Division
Legislative Council Secretariat
21 October 2022

  1. For details of measurement of apparent temperature, see Figure 1.
  2. 綠色和平及香港天主教勞工事務委員會(2022).
  3. All five cases involved construction workers in their fifties or sixties. They were found unconscious on construction sites without signs of accidents. For details, see 香港01 (2022a, 2022b) and 香港財經時報(2022).
  4. GovHK (2018, 2022) and Legislative Council Secretariat (2022).
  5. International Labour Organization (2019).
  6. World Health Organization (2018) and Ebi et al. (2021).
  7. International Labour Organization (2019).
  8. Ebi et al. (2021).
  9. The four states in the US are California, Minnesota, Oregon and Washington. The six European countries are Belgium, Hungary, Latvia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Spain. See European Trade Union Confederation (2022).
  10. The amount of heat allowance and applicable period vary across provinces. See 騰訊網(2022).
  11. Temperature limits for outdoor work refer to the daily maximum air temperature predicted by the local observatory, while that for indoor work refers to wet-bulb globe temperature (i.e. a measure of apparent temperature taking humidity, radiation and wind into consideration) measured at workplace. See 國家衞生健康委員會(2012).
  12. 綠色和平及香港天主教勞工事務委員會(2022).
  13. See Endnote 3.
  14. Labour Department (2022).
  15. Ibid.
  16. 明報(2022), 綠色和平及香港天主教勞工事務委員會(2022) and 香港財經時報(2020).
  17. GovHK (2022).
  18. 香港電台(2022).
  19. California Legislative Information (undated) and EHS Today (2006).
  20. Natural Resources Defense Council (2022).
  21. California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 14300.5. 
  22. Division of Workers' Compensation (2022).
  23. The original bill contained more concrete suggestions such as increasing health monitoring and rest breaks when the temperature reaches 40.6˚C. They were removed from the final version reportedly due to opposition from employer associations. See California Legislative Information (2022) and Fox40 (2022).
  24. Fisher Philips (2017) and California Chamber of Commerce (2019).
  25. Park et al. (2021).

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