Health services - Financing

Paper no.TitlePublication date
RB03/17-18 Health insurance for individuals in Hong Kong 2018.07.03
FS18/09-10 Healthcare financing in Japan 2010.08.30
RP02/06-07 Health Care Financing Policies of Canada, the United Kingdom and Taiwan

This research compares the health care financing policies of Canada, England of the United Kingdom and Taiwan. It focuses on the following aspects: overview of the health care system; guiding principles of the health care system; collection mechanism of health care resources and share of contribution among funding sources; allocation mechanism of health care resources and share of funds received among health care providers; distribution of health care expenditure among health care programmes and activities, and share of funding among the relevant parties in each of these programmes and activities; and policy evaluation.
RP06/05-06 Health Care Financing Policies of Australia, New Zealand and Singapore

This research compares the health care financing policies of Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. It focuses on the following aspects: overview of the health care system; guiding principles of the health care system; collection mechanism of health care resources and share of contribution among funding sources; allocation mechanism of health care resources and share of funds received among health care providers; distribution of health care expenditure among health care programmes and activities, and share of funding among the relevant parties in each of these programmes and activities; and policy evaluation.
IN08/05-06 Health Care Financing Systems in Selected Places: Classification and Reform 2006.01.13
  Health care expenditure and financing in selected places and Hong Kong  
• A Comparison Between the "Harvard Proposal" and Other Health Care Financing Models

This research compares the key features of the Harvard proposal on health care financing with Hong Kong's current system and the financing systems of five selected places, namely Australia, Singapore, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and the United States. It also analyzes the impact of the Harvard proposal on the financial sustainability of Hong Kong's health care system and its cost-benefit.
• Health Care Expenditure and Financing in Singapore

This research discusses the health care expenditure and financing arrangements in Singapore. It covers the key features of the health care system, development of the healthcare financing arrangements and financing methods.
• Health Care Expenditure and Financing in Australia

This research discusses the health care expenditure and financing arrangements in Australia. It covers the key features of the health care system, development of the healthcare financing arrangements and financing methods.
• Health Care Expenditure and Financing in the US

This research discusses the health care expenditure and financing arrangements in the United States. It covers the key features of the health care system, development of the healthcare financing arrangements and financing methods.
• Health Care Expenditure and Financing in the United Kingdom

This research studies the health care expenditure and financing in the United Kingdom ("UK"). It covers the UK's health care system, the changes in the expenditure pattern of the system and the health care financing arrangement.
• Health Care Expenditure and Financing in Taiwan

This research concentrates on the health care expenditure pattern and financing arrangement in Taiwan. It covers the Taiwan health care system, the changes in the expenditure pattern of the health care system and the health care financing arrangement with particular emphasis on the centrally managed insurance system.
• Health Care Expenditure and Financing in Hong Kong

This research studies the health care expenditure and resource allocation patterns within the health care system and the existing funding methods. It covers the changes in public and private health care expenditure, the current health care financing methods including user charges and medical insurance, and different health care financing methods.