Health services - Hospitals

Paper no.TitlePublication date
ISE11/2022 Support measures for persons affected by long COVID 2022.08.05
ISSH35/18-19 Hospital Authority Drug Formulary 2019.10.02
RB03/17-18 Health insurance for individuals in Hong Kong 2018.07.03
FS32/11-12 Drug Formulary of the Hospital Authority 2012.09.30
FS31/11-12 A summary of press reports on the closure of Hong Kong Central Hospital from 18 June to 3 July 2012 (Chinese version only) 2012.07.05
IN24/11-12 Development of private hospitals in Hong Kong 2012.05.03
  Pregnant Mainland women giving birth in Hong Kong and the use of obstetric services  
• Measures to tackle the problem of pregnant Mainland women giving birth in Hong Kong
• The United Nations human rights treaties and measures to control the use of obstetric services by non-local women
IN16/10-11 Hospital accreditation schemes in selected places 2011.06.30