Housing - Housing demand

Paper no.TitlePublication date
ISSH31/2022 Rental housing for one-person households in Hong Kong 2022.11.18
FS06/2022 Housing situation and housing supply in Hong Kong 2022.10.11
ISSH16/2022 Elderly households in public rental housing 2022.04.13
ISSH12/17-18 Housing affordability 2018.02.07
IN14/16-17 Single-operator markets under the Hong Kong Housing Authority 2017.06.01
IN10/16-17 Regulation of sale of overseas properties 2017.04.26
ISSH09/16-17 Public housing 2016.11.22
IN27/12-13 Long Term Housing Strategy 2013.09.25
IN14/12-13 Housing demand in Hong Kong 2013.03.18
FS08/12-13 A summary of press reports on formulating the Long Term Housing Strategy (from 13 September 2012 to 17 October 2012) (Chinese version only) 2012.11.01
RN05/10-11 Helping needy persons acquire their homes (Chinese version only) 2010.11.05
RP02/96-97 Study on Housing Demand

This study focuses on the situation analysis on accommodation in Hong Kong, which covers the number of living quarters, the number of persons accommodated, production of housing, demand for private and public housing, and factors affecting housing demand, comprising population growth, single elderly, street sleepers and tenants living in bed-space apartments.
RP01/96-97 Study of Housing Demand Model

This research discusses the housing demand model, which is a planning tool for estimating future housing demand based on the prevailing housing policy. The model comprises four steps, which are: (a) projection of total housing needs, (b) categorization of housing needs into public and private housing, (c) derivation of housing demand from the sectoral housing needs, and (d) estimation of sectoral flat production requirements.