Justice system - Judges

Paper no.TitlePublication date
IN04/19-20 Review of judicial appointment process in selected places 2020.03.02
RP07/01-02 Mechanism for Handling Complaints Against Judges in Overseas Places

This research studies the mechanism for handling complaints against judges in Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States and the State of New York of the United States. It provides (a) a brief discussion of the roles of the executive and the legislative branches in handling complaints against judges; and (b) a detailed discussion of complaints handling procedures in the judicial branch.
  The process of appointment of judges  
• The Process of Appointment of Judges in Hong Kong and Some Foreign Countries: Overall Comparison

This research report compares and analyses the process of appointment of judges in Hong Kong, the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. It covers the authorities involved in selecting, nominating and recommending candidates, confirming and endorsing the appointment, and appointing judges in the appointment process; authorities and parties consulted in the process; role of the legislature; and views against and support for the appointment system.
• The Process of Appointment of Judges in Some Foreign Countries: Canada

This research studies the process of appointment of judges of the Supreme Court and the Federal Court of Canada. It covers the court system; methods and administration of judicial appointment; judicial selection standards; process of judicial appointment; role of the legislature in the appointment process; and arguments for and against the appointment system.
• The Process of Appointment of Judges in Hong Kong since 1976

This research studies the historical development of the process of appointment of judges in Hong Kong since 1976. It covers the court system; authorities for judicial appointment; process of appointment; transitional arrangements for judicial appointments on 1 July 1997; and role of the legislature in the appointment process.
• The Process of Appointment of Judges in Some Foreign Countries: the United States
• The Process of Appointment of Judges in Some Foreign Countries: The United Kingdom

This research studies the process of appointment of judges on the High Court Bench and above in the United Kingdom. It covers the court system; methods and administration of judicial appointment; judicial selection standards; process of judicial appointment; role of the legislature in the appointment process; and arguments for and against the appointment system.
• The Process of Appointment of Judges in Some Foreign Countries: The United States

This research studies the process of appointment of judges in the federal courts in the United States. It covers the federal court system; process and methods of judicial appointment; judicial selection standards; role of the legislature in the appointment process; and arguments for and against the appointment system.