Security - Public order

Paper no.TitlePublication date
IN13/20-21 Legislation against insults to public officers on duty in France and Singapore 2021.06.17
IN02/17-18 Regulation of public assemblies in selected places 2017.11.23
IN25/12-13 Arrangements for the surrender of fugitive offenders between Hong Kong and the United States 2013.06.18
FS02/11-12 Handling of public meetings and public processions relating to the Central Government Complex 2011.11.08
IN04/10-11 The Hong Kong Garrison of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 2011.01.17
IN24/01-02 Mechanism of Handling Complaints Against Police 2002.04.19
RP03/01-02 Regulation of Public Meetings and Public Processions in San Francisco, New York and London

This research examines the regulation of public meetings and public processions in San Francisco and New York of the United States, and London of the United Kingdom. It covers the notice period, penalties, the appeal mechanism, and the leniency or strictness of enforcement as compared to the letter of the law, taking into account whether any guidelines or suggestions have been issued by the enforcement agency itself or other authorities
  Agreement between Hong Kong and the Mainland concerning Surrender of Fugitive Offenders  
• Research Study on the Agreement between Hong Kong and the Mainland concerning Surrender of Fugitive Offenders: The Issue of Re-extradition
• Research Study on the Agreement between Hong Kong and the Mainland concerning Surrender of Fugitive Offenders

This research studies the agreement between Hong Kong and the Mainland concerning surrender of fugitive offenders. It covers the principles and approaches in extradition treaties signed by China with foreign countries; arrangements for the surrender of fugitive offenders between Hong Kong and foreign places; inter-regional arrangements for the surrender of fugitive offenders in other places; division of criminal jurisdiction between the Mainland and Hong Kong; and regulatory model for the agreement on the surrender of fugitive offenders between the Mainland and Hong Kong.