Transport - Railway

Paper no.TitlePublication date
ISE01/17-18 Co-location of boundary control facilities in selected places 2017.10.16
IN01/14-15 Issues of concern relating to the delay of construction of the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (Chinese version only) 2014.12.02
IN14/13-14 Rail network systems in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Sydney 2014.04.09
RB04/13-14 Measures to ease crowdedness of train compartments in overseas cities 2014.01.28
IN18/12-13 A comparison of incentive schemes offered to frequent users of railway services in selected cities 2013.04.17
FS08/10-11 Comparison of the former proposal of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation and the current concession approach related to the Shatin to Central Link 2011.01.05
FS15/09-10 China High Speed Rail (Chinese version only) 2010.03.16
IN03/06-07 Major Changes Proposed in the Draft Integrated Operating Agreement between the MTR Corporation Limited and the Government 2007.01.05
FS20/05-06 Issues of Concern on the Proposed Merger of the MTR Corporation Limited and the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (9 December 2004 to 31 August 2006) (Chinese version only) 2006.09.04
FS10/05-06 Newspaper Reports on Major Events relating to the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation after the Separation of the Post of its Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer (27 September 2001 to 21 March 2006) (Chinese version only) 2006.03.21
IN15/05-06 Nottingham Express Transit 2006.02.21
IN40/04-05 Board Composition of Selected Statutory Bodies, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Mass Transit Railway Corporation Limited 2005.09.27
RP18/95-96 Credit Ratings of Mass Transit Systems

The research examines the effects on credit ratings and cost of financing if the fare revision mechanism of mass transit operators were to be changed to requiring approval by the Legislative Council. Four credit rating agencies and 16 banks, which either are leading corporations or have business relationship with the mass transit operators in Hong Kong, are covered in the study.
RP14/95-96 Monitoring of Mass Transit Systems

This research studies the mass transit systems in New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Toronto, Tokyo, Osaka, Singapore and Seoul. It covers (a) ownership of the mass transit systems; (b) the mechanism and experience of controlling fare revisions; and (c) operational aspects such as ridership, financial status and ways of raising funds of the mass transit operators.