
Paper no.TitlePublication date
IN05/20-21 Unemployment insurance systems in selected places 2021.02.26
IN04/20-21 Financial support measures for unemployed persons in Hong Kong 2021.02.24
FS12/04-05 Unemployment in Ireland 2005.05.17
IN04/03-04 Statistical Profile of Unemployed Youths in Hong Kong 2003.11.25
  Unemployment-related benefits systems in selected places  
• Supplementary Information on Unemployment Insurance Systems
• Unemployment-Related Benefits Systems: Overall Comparison

This research report compares the key features of the unemployment-related benefits systems in Mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States in terms of coverage, eligibility requirements, types of benefits and amounts, duration of payment of benefits, tax treatment of the benefits, funding sources for the benefits and administration of the systems. The report also summarizes the research findings of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on the unemployment-related benefits systems of its member countries, and the conventions and recommendations of the International Labour Organization on unemployment benefits systems.
• Unemployment-Related Benefits Systems in Malaysia

This research studies the unemployment benefits and related welfare benefits systems in Malaysia. It covers the main features and components of the systems, eligibility requirements, and types and amounts of benefits provided under the systems.
• Unemployment-Related Benefit Systems in South Korea

This research studies the unemployment-related benefits provided under the employment insurance system in Korea. It covers the historical development, main features and components, and administration of the employment insurance system; and the eligibility requirements, types of benefits and amounts, duration of payment, and funding sources for the unemployment-related benefits.
• Unemployment Insurance and Assistance Systems in Taiwan

This research studies the unemployment insurance and assistance system in Taiwan. It covers the historical development, main features and components, and administration of the system; and the eligibility requirements, amount and duration of payment, tax treatment, and funding sources for the unemployment benefits.
• Unemployment-Related Assistance System of Hong Kong

This research studies the unemployment-related assistance system and related assistance schemes in Hong Kong. It covers the main features and components of the system, eligibility requirements, types of assistance and amounts, and funding sources for providing the assistance.
• Unemployment Insurance and Assistance Systems in Mainland China

This research studies the unemployment insurance and assistance systems in Mainland China. It covers the historical development, main features and components, and administration of the systems; eligibility requirements; types of benefits and amounts; duration of payment; and funding sources for the related benefits.
• Unemployment-Related Benefits Systems in Singapore

This research studies the unemployment benefits and related welfare benefits systems in Singapore. It covers the main features and components, eligibility requirements, types of benefits and amounts, and administration of the systems.
• Unemployment-Related Benefits System in the United States

This research discusses the experience of the United States in the establishment and operation of the unemployment-related benefits system, covering its historical development, state unemployment insurance provisions, financing and administration of the unemployment insurance system, and public assistance programmes.
• Unemployment-Related Benefits System in the United Kingdom

This research discusses the experience of the United Kingdom in the establishment and operation of the unemployment-related benefits system, covering its historical development, current unemployment benefits provisions and the social security system.
• Unemployment Benefits Systems: the International Labour Organization's Recommendations

This research outlines the international labour conventions on unemployment benefits, the International Labour Organization's recommendations on various aspects of unemployment benefits, and the findings of a research study published by the International Labour Organization on a proposal of introducing an unemployment insurance system in Asia.
• Unemployment-Related Benefits Systems in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Countries

This study presents the findings of the researches conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") on unemployment-related benefits systems implemented in the OECD countries, covering their key features and major developments, as well as the replacement rates.
RP05/98-99 The Measurement of Unemployment and Underemployment

This research discusses the international standards on measuring employment, unemployment, underemployment, and economically inactive population, and examines the experience of measuring unemployment and underemployment in Hong Kong. It covers an overview of the international standards on labour statistics, the survey methodology and definitions of statistical terms used by the Hong Kong Government, and the controversy over unemployment and underemployment statistics.