Bills Committee on
Drug Trafficking and Organized Crimes (Amendment) Bill 2000

Meeting on
Friday, 16 March 2001 at 4:00 pm
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

Revised Agenda

I. Confirmation of minutes
(4:00 pm to 4:05 pm)

[LC Paper No. CB(2)1095/00-01 - minutes of meeting on 8 February 2001]

II. Meeting with the Administration
(from 4:05 pm onwards)

[Paper No. CB(2)1073/00-01(01) - paper on the need for the proposed mental element of "Having reasonable grounds to suspect" provided by the Administration]
[Paper No. CB(2)1073/00-01(02) - paper on overseas anti-money laundering regimes provided by the Administration]
[Paper No. CB(2)1073/00-01(03) - judgment of Case II in Annex I to Paper No. CB(2)820/00-01(01)]
[Paper No. CB(2)1073/00-01(04) - Administration's response to a member's proposals in respect of disclosure offence]
[Paper No. CB(2)1073/00-01(05) - Administration's response to the submission of the Hong Kong Bar Association]
[Paper No. CB(2)1073/00-01(06) - headnote of R. v Hall referred to in the note prepared by the Legal Service Division which has been issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)377/00-01]

III. Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
15 March 2001